

Download CrystFEL

Please read the licence information below, first.

The latest version of CrystFEL is version 0.11.0, which you can download here:

The file size is 1958059 bytes, with the following hashes:

Read the changes page for full list of changes for each version.

Release notes for version 0.11.0

Development version / Git repository

The very latest pre-release version of CrystFEL can be found in the public Git repository. You can also download this version if you urgently need a very new feature or bug fix, but you should know that the development version might be less stable, contain bugs, have a different user interface to stable versions, have missing documentation, or many other problems.

You should also use the Git version of CrystFEL if you intend to make contributions to the CrystFEL code. Read the file for more information.

To download the latest development version, install Git and run:

$ git clone

You can browse the repository on the web.

Licence conditions

CrystFEL is released under the GNU GPLv3. The full licence text has the legally binding details, but here is a brief summary.

Subject to certain conditions described below, you have the right to use CrystFEL on your own data, even if the work is for commercial or proprietary gain. You have the right to study the source code and learn how CrystFEL works, and to modify the source code to suit your own needs or to fix bugs. You also have the right to pass copies of original or modified versions to whomever you think might benefit from it.

However, these rights come with strings attached. Amongst other things, you are obliged to keep all the copyright notices and author information intact if you pass copies of CrystFEL on to other people. If you pass on a modified version of CrystFEL, you must make the modified source code available as well and licence your changes in the same way. If you release a program which links against CrystFEL's shared library libcrystfel, your program must be licenced in a GPL-compatible way (see also this FAQ).

Most importantly of all, CrystFEL comes with no warranty of any kind, not even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Like all software, CrystFEL contains bugs. The risk that CrystFEL will go crazy and delete all your data — or (perhaps more realistically?) that you'll have to retract your Nobel prize winning structure because its analysis turned out to be wrong — rests entirely with you. Fortunately, and in contrast many other software suites, you have access to the source code so that you can satisfy yourself of the correctness of any part of its analysis if you need to do so.

If you'd like to know more about the GNU General Public Licence and its implications, you could read the GPL FAQ.

The copyright and licence conditions of CrystFEL do not free you from the normal rules of scientific conduct. If CrystFEL was important to your work, you should cite at least one of our articles describing its development. For a list, see the front page of this website.

You should also state clearly which version of CrystFEL you used, including the Git revision code if you used a development version. If in doubt, just look at the bottom of your final reflection list file to find the relevant information. If you modified CrystFEL for your research, you should state that fact in your paper and give details of the modifications you made, regardless of whether or not you passed the modified version on to anyone else.

Older versions