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SUBROUTINE QIPLST - Set up masses of outgoing partons

In this routine to each outgoing parton, set up in QIGLST and QIGPAR, an appropriate mass (default HERWIG [1] mass for quarks/anti-quarks, default gluon mass from QIINIT) is set up. This is done consecutively:

Table 1: Variables set in QIPLST.
Name Description
QIPHEP(5,IHEP) Mass of the IHEP'th outgoing parton from instanton subprocess
QINHEP Number of outgoing partons from instanton subprocess, $2\,n_f-1 + n_g$

Let us illustrate this on the example given in the description of the subroutine QIGLST: Suppose we have $n_f=3,n_g=3$, and that $q^\prime$ is a quark with with particle data group identity 3. Then the parton type array QIPTYP(JLP,ILP) might be of the form

\begin{array}{cc\vert cccccc}
& & \multicolumn{6}{\vert c}{...
...NLIS(ILP)} & & 3 & 4 & 3 & 0 & \ldots & 0 \\
\end{array}\, .
\end{displaymath} (1)

The bold-face gluon entry $\bf 21$ and the bold-face antiquark entry $\bf -3$ are to indicate that these partons are marked as incoming. The outcome of the procedure described above is shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Example of mass assignments.
QIPHEP(5,1) Mass of quark 1
QIPHEP(5,2) Mass of antiquark -2
QIPHEP(5,3) Mass of quark 2
QIPHEP(5,4) Mass of gluon
QIPHEP(5,5) Mass of gluon
QIPHEP(5,6) Mass of quark 3
QIPHEP(5,7) Mass of gluon
QIPHEP(5,8) Mass of antiquark -1

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A. Ringwald and F. Schrempp
