ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider

ECFA Study of Physics and Detectors for a Linear Collider

Topic of the Study Goals Working Groups Upcoming Events LC Notes Technology Choice Topics of Interest
ECFA Organizing committee Worldwide Linear Collider Studies Official and Press Statements on Linear Collider Policy Extended ECFA/DESY Study (2001-2003) 2nd ECFA/DESY Study (1998-2000) DESY

Conferences, Workshops, and Schools
2021 LCWS 2021 - 2021 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS2021), 15th-18th March 2021
2020 AWLC 2020 - Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders, Virtual Conference hosted by SLAC, USA, October 19-22, 2020
2019 LCWS 2019 - The International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS 2019), Sendai, Japan, Oct 28 - Nov 1, 2019
2018 LCWS 2018 - The 2018 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS18), Arlington, Texas, USA, Oct 22-26, 2018
  ALCW 2018 - Asian Linear Collider Workshop, Fukuoka, Japan, 28 May to 1 June 2018
2017 LCWS 2017 - International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders, Strasbourg, France, Oct 23-27, 2017
  AWLC17 - 2017 Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders, SLAC, Menlo Park, CA, USA, June 26-30, 2017
2016 LCWS 2016 - Aiina Center & MALIOS, Morioka,IWATE,Japan, December 5 - 9, 2016
2015 LCWS 2015 - Fairmont Chateau Whistler Hotel, Whistler B.C., Canada, 02-06 November 2015
  ALCW 2015 - Asian Linear Collider workshop 2015, KEK Tsukuba, Japan, April 20-24, 2015.
  ILC Tokyo Event, Japan, April 22, 2015
20142014 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS14), Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia, October 6-10, 2014
20132013 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS13), The Univeristy of Tokyo, Japan, Nov 11-15, 2013
 ECFA Linear Collider Workshop 2013 (LC2013), DESY, Germany, May 27-31, 2013
20122012 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS12), University of Texas, Arlington, USA, October 21-26, 2012
 POSIPOL 2012 Workshop, DESY, Zeuthen, Germany, September 04-06, 2012
  KILC12, Joint ACFA Physics and Detector Workshop and GDE Meeting on Linear Collider, Daegu, Korea, Apr. 23-27, 2012
 3rd linear collider forum, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, Feb 7-9, 2012
20112011 International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS11), Granada, Spain, Sept 26-30, 2011
 POSIPOL 2011 Workshop, IHEP, Beijing, China, August 28-30, 2011
 2011 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas (ALCPG11), University of Oregon in Eugene, March 19-23, 2011
2010ECFA-CLIC-ILC joint meeting: International Workshop on Linear Colliders 2010, CERN and CICG, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-22 Oct 2010
 POSIPOL 2010 Workshop, KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, May 31 - June 2, 2010
  LCWS 2010 and ILC 2010, Beijing, China, March 26-30, 2010
2009 LCTW09 - Linear Collider Test Beam Workshop, LAL Orsay, France, 3-5 Nov 2009
  2009 Linear Collider Workshop of the Americas, University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, September 29 - October 3 2009
 POSIPOL 2009 Workshop, IPNL, Lyon 23-26 June 2009
 TILC08, Joint ACFA Physics and Detector Workshop and GDE meeting on the International Linear Collider (TILC09), Tsukuba, Japan, April 17 to 21, 2009
2008LCWS 2008 and ILC 2008, U Chicago, Nov 16-20, 2008
 EPAC 2008, Genoa, Italy, 23-27 June 2008
 POSIPOL 2008 Workshop, Hiroshima, Japan, June 16-18, 2008
 ILC-ECFA Workshop , Warsaw, Poland, 9-12 June 2008
 Silicon Detector Collaboration Workshop 2 , RAL April 14-16, 2008
 TILC08, Joint ACFA Physics and Detector Workshop and GDE meeting on the International Linear Collider (TILC08), Sendai, Japan, March 3 to 6, 2008
 Silicon Detector Collaboration Workshop 1 , SLAC, January 28-30, 2008
2007LCWS 2007 and ILC 2007, DESY, Hamburg, 30.5.2007 - 4.6.2007
 POSIPOL 2007 Workshop, LAL-Orsay, France, 23-25 May, 2007
 CALICE Collaboration Meeting, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan, May 10-12, 2007
 ILC Software and Tools Workshop, LAL - Orsay, May 2-4, 2007
 SiD Workshop, Fermilab, Batavia, Illinois 9-11 April 2007
 Colliders to Cosmic Rays 2007, Granlibakken Resort at Lake Tahoe, California, 25 Feb - 1 Mar 2007
 9th ACFA ILC Physics and Detector Workshop & ILC GDE Meeting, IHEP, Beijing, Feb. 4-7, 2007
 APAC 2007, Indore, INDIA, January 29 - February 2, 2007
 ILC Detector Test Beam Workshop, Fermilab, Batavia, Ill., January 17-19, 2007
 European LC Workshop, 8-9 January 2007, Daresbury Laboratory, UK
2006ILC-ECFA Workshop, and GDE Joint Meeting, Valencia, 6-10 November 2006
 Linear Collider Physics School 2006, Ambleside, UK, 14-19 September 2006
 2006 Linear Accelerator Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, 21-25 August 2006
 Vancouver Linear Collider Workshop Vancouver, Canada, 19-22 July 2006
 EPAC 2006, Edinburgh, UK, 26-30 June 2006
  TOOLS 2006, Tools for Susy and the New Physics, LAPTH-LAPP, Annecy-le-Vieux, France, June 26-28, 2006
 CALOR 2006, 12th International Conference on Calorimetry in High Energy Physics, Chicago, USA, 5-9 June 2006
 Second Polarized RF Gun Meeting, SLAC, 5 June 2006
 ILC VTX Workshop at Ringberg, Ringberg Castle, Lake Tegernsee, Germany, 28-31 May 2006
 International Accelerator School for Linear Colliders, Sokendai, Graduate School for Advanced Studies, Hayama, Japan, 19-27 May 2006
 Electron Accelerator R&D for the Energy Frontier, LAL Orsay, France, 15-17 May 2006
 ILC positron source meeting, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, BINP, Novosibirk, Russia, 10-12 May 2006
  LCWS 2006, Linear Collider Workshop 2006, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, March 9-15, 2006
2005 Third ECFA Study Workshop, Vienna, November 14-17, 2005
 8th ICFA Seminar on "Future Perspectives in High Energy Physics" Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, 28 Sept - 1 Oct 2005
  The Photon and PLC2005, Warsaw and Kazimierz, Poland, 30-Aug to 08-Sep-2005 The Photon: Its First Hundred Years and the Future, contains a PLC2005 - the Photon Collider Workshop and Lectures on Future Colliders and Astrophysics
  2005 ILC Physics and Detector Workshop and 2nd ILC Accelerator Workshop, Snowmass, Colorado, August 14-27, 2005.
  ACFA8, Daegu, Korea, July 11-14, 2005.
 International Workshop on ILC beam delivery, together with the ILC-Europe meeting (EUROTeV and ELAN), RHUL, June 20-23, 2005.
 Workshop: Physics at TeV Colliders at Les Houches 2-20 May 2005
 LCWS 2005, International Conference on Linear Colliders, SLAC, Mar 18-22, 2005.
 Workshop Machine-Detector Interface (MDI) at the ILC, SLAC, January 6-8, 2005.
2004 First ILC Workshop "Towards an International Design of a Linear Collider", KEK, Japan, Nov 13-15, 2004. Speakers slides: Plenary, working groups.
  ACFA linear collider workshop, Taipei, Nov 9-12, 2004. Speakers slides
  Second ECFA Study Workshop, Durham, UK, Sep 1-4, 2004
  Victoria Linear Collider Workshop, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada from July 28-31, 2004
  International Conference on High Energy Physics,August 16-22, 2004 Beijing, China
 EPAC2004, European Particle Accelerator Conference, Lucerne, 5-9 July, 2004
 LCWS 2004, International Conference on Linear Colliders, Paris, 19-23 April 2004
 APAC2004, Asian Particle Accelerator Conference, Gyeongju, Korea, March 22 to 26
 SLAC ALCPG Winter Workshop, January 7-10, 2004
20036th ACFA Workshop on Physics and Detector at Linear Collider, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai (Bombay), India, 15-17 December 2003
  5th International Workshop on Electron-Electron Interactions at TeV Energies, December 12-14, Santa Cruz.
  First ECFA Study Workshop, Montpellier, France, 13-16 November 2003
  E-166 Collaboration & Power Meeting, SLAC, October 24-27, 2003
  Linear Collider Physics School 2003, Ambleside, England, 17th - 23rd August
  American Linear Collider Workshop, Cornell University, Ithaca New York, July, 13-16 2003
 Arlington Linear Collider Workshop, January 9-11, 2003
2002Santa Cruz Linear Collider Retreat, June 27-29, 2002
  As the organising committee of the Extended ECFA/DESY Study, we propose that ECFA should support these activities for a further two years, from Spring 2003. The three ECFA-supported studies so far have played an enormously important role in preparing the case for the linear collider. This case has been endorsed by representative bodies in Europe, America and Asia. An International Linear Collider Steering Group has been formed,
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