Lead Scientists

Insight architects

Lead Scientists at DESY

Saša Bajt

Saša Bajt
Advanced Multilayer X-ray Optics



Riccardo Bartolini

Riccardo Bartolini
PETRA IV Accelerator

Ties Behnke

Ties Behnke
Experimental particle physics

David Berge

David Berge
Astroparticle physics, gamma-ray astronomy

Freya Blekman

Freya Blekman
CMS experiment at LHC

Kerstin Borras

Kerstin Borras
CMS experiment at LHC

Martin Burger

Martin Burger
Computational Imaging

Francesca Calegari

Francesca Calegari
Femtosecond and attosecond laser spectroscopy

Henry Chapman

Henry Chapman
Coherent X-ray imaging

Elisabetta Gallo

Elisabetta Gallo
CMS experiment at LHC

Ingrid-Maria Gregor

Ingrid-Maria Gregor
ATLAS experiment at LHC and detector development

Christophe Grojean

Christophe Grojean
Theoretical particle physics

Markus Gühr

Markus Gühr
Leading Scientist of FLASH

Cigdem Issever

Çiğdem İşsever
ATLAS experiment at LHC

Franz X. Kärtner

Franz X. Kärtner
Ultrafast optics and X-rays

Marek Kowalski

Marek Kowalski
Astroparticle physics and IceCube experiment

Jochen Kuepper

Jochen Küpper
Controlled Molecule Imaging

Meytal Landau

Meytal Landau
Functional Fibrils - Integrative Structural Biology of Amyloids

Klaus Mönig

Klaus Moenig
ATLAS experiment at LHC

Andreas R. Maier

Andreas R. Maier
Lasers and Secondary Sources

Joachim Mnich

Joachim Mnich
Particle Physics

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Philipp Neumann

Philipp Neumann

High Performance Computing and Data Science

Krisztian Peters

Krisztian Peters
ATLAS experiment at LHC

Martin Pohl

Martin Pohl
Astro particle physics

Rafael Porto

Rafael Porto
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology, Gravitational Waves

Harald Reichert

Harald Reichert
Project Leader PETRA IV

Nina Rohringer

Nina Rohringer
Theory of ultrafast processes with X-ray light

Kai Rossnagel

Kai Rossnagel
Spectroscopy of quantum materials

Stephan Roth

Stephan Roth
Sustainable materials for functionalized bio-based polymer materials

Robin Santra

Robin Santra
Ultrafast processes in intense light fields

Melanie Schnell

Melanie Schnell
Spectroscopy of molecular processes

Volker Schomerus

Volker Schomerus
String- and quantum field theory

Christian Schroer

Christian Schroer
Leading Scientist of PETRA III

Christian Schwanenberger

Christian Schwanenberger
CMS experiment at LHC

Geraldine Servant

Geraldine Servant
Particle cosmology

Holger Sondermann

Holger Sondermann
Structural biology

Andreas Stierle

Andreas Stierle
Structure and properties of nanoscale systems

Kerstin Tackmann

Kerstin Tackmann
Experiments ATLAS and Belle II

Simone Techert

Simone Techert
Structural dynamics with ultra-short pulsed X-rays

Edgar Weckert

Edgar Weckert
X-ray structure physics

Georg Weiglein

Georg Weiglein
Elementary particle physics

Hans Weise

Hans Weise
Superconducting accelerators

Huirong Yan

Huirong Yan
Plasma Astrophysics