Radiative polarisation & spin rotators at HERA



Tutorials on radiative polarisation and spin rotators.

Electron and proton spin polarisation in storage rings -- an introduction.

Handbook of accelerator physics and engineering.

Electron spin polarisation: extract from Snowmass 2001 talk.

Dipole spin rotators:         extract from Snowmass 2001 talk.

D.P. Barber et al., Phys.Letts., B343, 436 (1995).

J. Buon and K. Steffen, Nucl.Inst.Meth., A245, 248 (1986).



Spin and orbit motion in the Buon-Steffen MiniRotator.

J. Buon and K. Steffen, Nucl.Inst.Meth., A245, 248 (1986).



A MiniRotator on test: bent downwards (using the remotely controlled jacks) to select a certain helicity.



A MiniRotator on test: bent upwards (using the remotely controlled jacks) to select the opposite helicity.



A bellows unit allowing flexible connection between sections of beam pipe in adjacent magnets. Note the metal fingers which slide in complementary holes to maintain the circuit for mirror currents.



Klaus Steffen (+ 1991) checking the mechanics, circa 1988.



A MiniRotator mounted in the HERA tunnel: ``East right'' for HERMES.

Last Update: Oct. 2001