TUnfoldBinningV17 Class Reference

Binning schemes for use with the unfolding algorithm TUnfoldDensity. More...

#include <TUnfoldBinning.h>

Inherited by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17.

Collaboration diagram for TUnfoldBinningV17:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { MAXDIM = 32 }

Public Member Functions

 TUnfoldBinningV17 (const char *name=0, Int_t nBins=0, const char *binNames=0)
 create a new node without axis
 TUnfoldBinningV17 (const TAxis &axis, Int_t includeUnderflow, Int_t includeOverflow)
 create a new node containing a distribution with one axis
TUnfoldBinningV17AddBinning (TUnfoldBinningV17 *binning)
 add a TUnfoldBinning as the last child of this node
TUnfoldBinningV17AddBinning (const char *name, Int_t nBins=0, const char *binNames=0)
 add a new binning node as last last child of this node
Bool_t AddAxis (const char *name, Int_t nBins, const Double_t *binBorders, Bool_t hasUnderflow, Bool_t hasOverflow)
 add an axis with the specified bin borders
Bool_t AddAxis (const char *name, Int_t nBins, Double_t xMin, Double_t xMax, Bool_t hasUnderflow, Bool_t hasOverflow)
 add an axis with equidistant bins
Bool_t AddAxis (const TAxis &axis, Bool_t includeUnderflow, Bool_t includeOverflow)
 add an axis to the distribution, using the TAxis as blueprint
virtual ~TUnfoldBinningV17 (void)
void PrintStream (std::ostream &out, Int_t indent=0, int debug=0) const
 print some information about this binning tree
void SetBinFactorFunction (Double_t normalisation, TF1 *userFunc=0)
 set normalisation factor and function which are used in calls to GetBinFactor()
TUnfoldBinningV17 const * GetChildNode (void) const
 first daughter node
TUnfoldBinningV17 const * GetPrevNode (void) const
 previous sister node
TUnfoldBinningV17 const * GetNextNode (void) const
 next sister node
TUnfoldBinningV17 const * GetParentNode (void) const
 mother node
TUnfoldBinningV17 const * FindNode (char const *name) const
 traverse the tree and return the first node which matches the given name
TUnfoldBinningV17 const * GetRootNode (void) const
 return root node of the binnig scheme
Int_t GetTH1xNumberOfBins (Bool_t originalAxisBinning=kTRUE, const char *axisSteering=0) const
 return the number of histogram bins required when storing this binning in a one-dimensional histogram
TH1 * CreateHistogram (const char *histogramName, Bool_t originalAxisBinning=kFALSE, Int_t **binMap=0, const char *histogramTitle=0, const char *axisSteering=0) const
 create a THxx histogram capable to hold the bins of this binning node and its children
TH2D * CreateErrorMatrixHistogram (const char *histogramName, Bool_t originalAxisBinning, Int_t **binMap=0, const char *histogramTitle=0, const char *axisSteering=0) const
 create a TH2D histogram capable to hold a covariance matrix
TH1 * ExtractHistogram (const char *histogramName, const TH1 *globalBins, const TH2 *globalBinsEmatrix=0, Bool_t originalAxisBinning=kTRUE, const char *axisSteering=0) const
Int_t * CreateEmptyBinMap (void) const
 create an empty bin map, useful together with the getter methods of class TUnfold and TUnfoldSys
void SetBinMapEntry (Int_t *binMap, Int_t globalBin, Int_t destBin) const
 set one entry in a bin map
Int_t FillBinMap1D (Int_t *binMap, const char *axisSteering, Int_t firstBinX) const
 map all global bins referenced by this node to the one-dimensional histogram destHist, starting with bin firstBinX
Int_t GetGlobalBinNumber (Double_t x) const
 locate a bin in a one-dimensional distribution
Int_t GetGlobalBinNumber (Double_t x, Double_t y) const
 locate a bin in a two-dimensional distribution
Int_t GetGlobalBinNumber (Double_t x, Double_t y, Double_t z) const
 locate a bin in a three-dimensional distribution
Int_t GetGlobalBinNumber (Double_t x0, Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t x3) const
 locate a bin in a four-dimensional distribution
Int_t GetGlobalBinNumber (Double_t x0, Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t x3, Double_t x4) const
 locate a bin in a five-dimensional distribution
Int_t GetGlobalBinNumber (Double_t x0, Double_t x1, Double_t x2, Double_t x3, Double_t x4, Double_t x5) const
 locate a bin in a six-dimensional distribution
Int_t GetGlobalBinNumber (const Double_t *x, Int_t *isBelow=0, Int_t *isAbove=0) const
 locate a bin in an N-dimensional distribution
Int_t GetStartBin (void) const
 first bin of this node
Int_t GetEndBin (void) const
 last+1 bin of this node (includes children)
virtual Bool_t IsBinFactorGlobal (void) const
 check whether there is only a global scaling factor for this node
Double_t GetGlobalFactor (void) const
 return global scaling factor for this node
TString GetBinName (Int_t iBin) const
 get the name of a bin
Double_t GetBinSize (Int_t iBin) const
 get N-dimensional bin size
virtual Double_t GetBinFactor (Int_t iBin) const
 return scaling factor for the given global bin number
void GetBinUnderflowOverflowStatus (Int_t iBin, Int_t *uStatus, Int_t *oStatus) const
 return bit maps indicating underflow and overflow status
Int_t GetBinNeighbours (Int_t globalBin, Int_t axis, Int_t *prev, Double_t *distPrev, Int_t *next, Double_t *distNext, Bool_t isPeriodic=kFALSE) const
 get neighbour bins along the specified axis
Int_t GetDistributionNumberOfBins (void) const
 number of bins in the distribution possibly including under/overflow
Int_t GetDistributionDimension (void) const
 query dimension of this node's distribution
virtual Double_t GetDistributionAverageBinSize (Int_t axis, Bool_t includeUnderflow, Bool_t includeOverflow) const
 get average bin size on the specified axis
TVectorD const * GetDistributionBinning (Int_t axis) const
 get vector of bin borders for one axis
TString GetDistributionAxisLabel (Int_t axis) const
 get name of an axis
virtual Double_t GetDistributionUnderflowBinWidth (Int_t axis) const
 return bin width assigned to the underflow bin
virtual Double_t GetDistributionOverflowBinWidth (Int_t axis) const
 return bin width assigned to the overflow bin
virtual Double_t GetDistributionBinCenter (Int_t axis, Int_t bin) const
 return bin center for a given axis and bin number
Bool_t HasUnconnectedBins (void) const
 check whether there are bins but no axis
const TObjString * GetUnconnectedBinName (Int_t bin) const
 return the bin names of unconnected bins
Bool_t HasUnderflow (int axis) const
 check whether an axis has an underflow bin
Bool_t HasOverflow (int axis) const
 check whether the axis has an overflow bin
void DecodeAxisSteering (const char *axisSteering, const char *options, Int_t *isOptionGiven) const
 decode axis steering

Static Public Member Functions

static TH2D * CreateHistogramOfMigrations (TUnfoldBinningV17 const *xAxis, TUnfoldBinningV17 const *yAxis, char const *histogramName, Bool_t originalXAxisBinning=kFALSE, Bool_t originalYAxisBinning=kFALSE, char const *histogramTitle=0)
 create a TH2D histogram capable to hold the bins of the two input binning schemes on the x and y axes, respectively

Protected Member Functions

TUnfoldBinningV17GetRootNode (void)
 return root node
void Initialize (Int_t nBins)
 initialize variables for a given number of bins
Int_t UpdateFirstLastBin (Bool_t startWithRootNode=kTRUE)
 update fFirstBin and fLastBin members of this node and its children
TUnfoldBinningV17 const * ToAxisBins (Int_t globalBin, Int_t *axisBins) const
 return distribution in which the bin is located and bin numbers on the corresponding axes
Int_t ToGlobalBin (Int_t const *axisBins, Int_t *isBelow=0, Int_t *isAbove=0) const
 get global bin number, given axis bin numbers
TString BuildHistogramTitle (const char *histogramName, const char *histogramTitle, Int_t const *axisList) const
 construct a title
TString BuildHistogramTitle2D (const char *histogramName, const char *histogramTitle, Int_t xAxis, const TUnfoldBinningV17 *yAxisBinning, Int_t yAxis) const
 construct a histogram title for a 2D histogram with different binning schemes on x and y axis
Int_t GetTHxxBinning (Int_t maxDim, Int_t *axisBins, Int_t *axisList, const char *axisSteering) const
 calculate properties of a THxx histogram to store this binning
Int_t GetTHxxBinningSingleNode (Int_t maxDim, Int_t *axisBins, Int_t *axisList, const char *axisSteering) const
 get the properties of a histogram capable to hold the distribution attached to this node
Int_t GetTHxxBinsRecursive (const char *axisSteering) const
 calculate number of bins required to store this binning with teh given axisSteering
const TUnfoldBinningV17GetNonemptyNode (void) const
 find a node which has non-empty distributions if there is none or if there are many, return zero
Int_t * CreateBinMap (const TH1 *hist, Int_t nDim, const Int_t *axisList, const char *axisSteering) const
 create mapping from global bin number to a histogram for this node
Int_t FillBinMapRecursive (Int_t startBin, const char *axisSteering, Int_t *binMap) const
 recursively fill bin map
Int_t FillBinMapSingleNode (const TH1 *hist, Int_t startBin, Int_t nDim, const Int_t *axisList, const char *axisSteering, Int_t *binMap) const
 fill bin map for a single node
void SetBinFactor (Double_t normalisation, TObject *factors)
 set normalisation factors which are used in calls to GetBinFactor()

Protected Attributes

 mother node
 first daughter node
 next sister
 previous sister
TObjArray * fAxisList
 for each axis the bin borders (TVectorD)
TObjArray * fAxisLabelList
 for each axis its name (TObjString), or names of unconnected bins
Int_t fHasUnderflow
 bit fields indicating whether there are underflow bins on the axes
Int_t fHasOverflow
 bit fields indicating whether there are overflow bins on the axes
Int_t fDistributionSize
 number of bins in this node's distribution
Int_t fFirstBin
 global bin number of the first bin
Int_t fLastBin
 global bin number of the last(+1) bin, including daughters
TObject * fBinFactorFunction
 function to calculate a scale factor from bin centres (may be a TF1 or a TVectorD
Double_t fBinFactorConstant
 common scale factor for all bins of this node

Detailed Description

Binning schemes for use with the unfolding algorithm TUnfoldDensity.

Binning schemes are used to map analysis bins on a single histogram axis and back. The analysis bins may include unconnected bins (e.g nuisances for background normalisation) or various multidimensional histograms (signal bins, differential background normalisation bins, etc).
If you use this software, please consider the following citation
S.Schmitt, JINST 7 (2012) T10003 [arXiv:1205.6201]
Detailed documentation and updates are available on http://www.desy.de/~sschmitt


The TUnfoldBinning objects are connected by a tree-like structure. The structure does not hold any data, but is only responsible for arranging the analysis bins in the proper order. Each node of the tree is responsible for a group of bins. That group may consist of

Each bin has a "global" bin number, which can be found using the GetGlobalBinNumber() methods. The global bin number 0 is reserved and corresponds to the case where no bin is found in the TUnfoldBinning tree.

Use in the analysis

Booking histograms:

The histograms which are booked have all analysis bins arranged on one axis (global bin number). TUnfoldBinning provides methods to locate the global bin number:

Unfolding: Specify the response matrix and the binning schemes when constructing a TUnfoldDensity object. Tell TUnfoldDensity about the data, bakcground, systematic error histograms using the corresponding methods of class TUnfoldDensity. Then run the unfolding. Use the GetXXX() methods to retreive the unfolding results into properly binned multidimensional histograms.

Definition at line 54 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

maximum numner of axes per distribution

Definition at line 84 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TUnfoldBinningV17::TUnfoldBinningV17 ( const char *  name = 0,
Int_t  nBins = 0,
const char *  binNames = 0 

create a new node without axis

[in] name identifier of the node
[in] nBin number of unconnected bins (could be zero)
[in] binNames (optional) names of the bins separated by ';'

Definition at line 207 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

TUnfoldBinningV17::TUnfoldBinningV17 ( const TAxis &  axis,
Int_t  includeUnderflow,
Int_t  includeOverflow 

create a new node containing a distribution with one axis

[in] axis the axis to represent
[in] includeUnderflow true if underflow bin should be included
[in] includeOverflow true if overflow bin should be included

Definition at line 226 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

virtual TUnfoldBinningV17::~TUnfoldBinningV17 ( void   )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

Bool_t TUnfoldBinningV17::AddAxis ( const TAxis &  axis,
Bool_t  hasUnderflow,
Bool_t  hasOverflow 

add an axis to the distribution, using the TAxis as blueprint

[in] axis blueprint of the axis
[in] hasUnderflow decide whether the underflow bin should be included
[in] hasOverflow decide whether the overflow bin should be included

returns true if the axis has been added Note: axis labels are not imported

Definition at line 344 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Bool_t TUnfoldBinningV17::AddAxis ( const char *  name,
Int_t  nBin,
Double_t  xMin,
Double_t  xMax,
Bool_t  hasUnderflow,
Bool_t  hasOverflow 

add an axis with equidistant bins

[in] name name of the axis
[in] nBin number of bins
[in] xMin lower edge of the first bin
[in] xMax upper edge of the last bin
[in] hasUnderflow decide whether the axis has an underflow bin
[in] hasOverflow decide whether the axis has an overflow bin

returns true if the axis has been added

Definition at line 309 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Bool_t TUnfoldBinningV17::AddAxis ( const char *  name,
Int_t  nBin,
const Double_t *  binBorders,
Bool_t  hasUnderflow,
Bool_t  hasOverflow 

add an axis with the specified bin borders

[in] name name of the axis
[in] nBin number of bins
[in] binBorders array of bin borders, with nBin+1 elements
[in] hasUnderflow decide whether the axis has an underflow bin
[in] hasOverflow decide whether the axis has an overflow bin

returns true if the axis has been added

Definition at line 369 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::AddAxisXML().

TUnfoldBinningV17 * TUnfoldBinningV17::AddBinning ( const char *  name,
Int_t  nBins = 0,
const char *  binNames = 0 

add a new binning node as last last child of this node

[in] name name of the node
[in] nBin number of extra bins
[in] binNames (optional) names of the bins sepatared by ';'

this is a shortcut for AddBinning(new TUnfoldBinning(name,nBins,binNames))

Definition at line 243 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

TUnfoldBinningV17 * TUnfoldBinningV17::AddBinning ( TUnfoldBinningV17 binning  ) 

add a TUnfoldBinning as the last child of this node

[in] binning the new binning to be added

return value: if succeeded, return "binning" otherwise return 0

Definition at line 255 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ImportXMLNode().

TString TUnfoldBinningV17::BuildHistogramTitle ( const char *  histogramName,
const char *  histogramTitle,
Int_t const *  axisList 
) const [protected]

construct a title

[in] histogramName distribution name
[in] histogramTitle default title
[in] axisList array indicating wqhich axis of this node is mapped to which histogram axis

if histogramTitle!=0 thsi title is used. Otherwise, the title is composed as: histogramName;axisname[axisList[0]];axisname[axisList[1]];...

Definition at line 574 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

TString TUnfoldBinningV17::BuildHistogramTitle2D ( const char *  histogramName,
const char *  histogramTitle,
Int_t  xAxis,
const TUnfoldBinningV17 yAxisBinning,
Int_t  yAxis 
) const [protected]

construct a histogram title for a 2D histogram with different binning schemes on x and y axis

[in] histogramName distribution name
[in] histogramTitle default title
[in] xAxis indicates which x-axis name to use
[in] yAxisBinning binning scheme for y-axis
[in] yAxis indicates which y-axis name to use

Definition at line 609 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by CreateHistogramOfMigrations().

Int_t * TUnfoldBinningV17::CreateBinMap ( const TH1 *  hist,
Int_t  nDim,
const Int_t *  axisList,
const char *  axisSteering 
) const [protected]

create mapping from global bin number to a histogram for this node

[in] hist destination histogram
[in] nDim target dimension
[in] axisList map axes in the binning scheme to histogram axes
[in] axisSteering steering for underflow/overflow/projections

The axisSteering is explained with the method CreateHistogram()

Definition at line 1088 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t * TUnfoldBinningV17::CreateEmptyBinMap ( void   )  const

create an empty bin map, useful together with the getter methods of class TUnfold and TUnfoldSys

returns: a new Int array of the proper size, all eleemnts set to -1

Definition at line 1019 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

TH2D * TUnfoldBinningV17::CreateErrorMatrixHistogram ( const char *  histogramName,
Bool_t  originalAxisBinning,
Int_t **  binMap = 0,
const char *  histogramTitle = 0,
const char *  axisSteering = 0 
) const

create a TH2D histogram capable to hold a covariance matrix

[in] histogramName name of the histogram which is created
[in] originalAxisBinning if true, try to preserve the axis binning
[out] (default=0) binMap mapping of global bins to histogram bins. if(binMap==0), no binMap is created
[in] (default=0) histogramTitle title o fthe histogram. If zero, a title is selected automatically
[in] (default=0) axisSteering steer the handling of underflow/overflow and projections

returns a new TH2D. The options are described in greater detail with the CreateHistogram() method.

Definition at line 786 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldDensityV17::GetEmatrixInput(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetEmatrixSysBackgroundUncorr(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetEmatrixSysUncorr(), and TUnfoldDensityV17::GetEmatrixTotal().

TH1 * TUnfoldBinningV17::CreateHistogram ( const char *  histogramName,
Bool_t  originalAxisBinning = kFALSE,
Int_t **  binMap = 0,
const char *  histogramTitle = 0,
const char *  axisSteering = 0 
) const

create a THxx histogram capable to hold the bins of this binning node and its children

[in] histogramName name of the histogram which is created
[in] originalAxisBinning if true, try to preserve the axis binning
[out] (default=0) binMap mapping of global bins to histogram bins. if(binMap==0), no binMap is created
[in] (default=0) histogramTitle title o fthe histogram. If zero, a title is selected automatically
[in] (default=0) axisSteering steer the handling of underflow/overflow and projections

returns a new histogram (TH1D, TH2D or TH3D)
if the parameter originalAxisBinning parameter is true, the resulting histogram has bin widths and histogram dimension (TH1D, TH2D, TH3D) in parallel to this binning node, if possible.
The binMap is an array which translates global bin numbers to bin numbers in the histogram returned by this method. The global bin numbers correspond to the bin numbers in a histogram created by calling GetRootNode()->CreateHistogram(name,false,0,0,0)
The axisSteering is a string to steer whether underflow and overflow bins are included in the bin map. Furthermore, it is possible to "collapse" axes, such that their content is summed and the axis does not show up in the created histogram.
The string looks like this: "axis[options];axis[options];..." where

  • axis is the name of an axis or equal to *, the latter matches all axes
  • options is a combination of characters chosen from OUC0123456789
    • if O is included, the overflow bin of that axis is discarded
    • if U is included, the underflow bin of that axis is discarded
    • if C is included, the bins on that axes are collapsed, i.e. the corresponding histogram axis is not present in the output. The corrsponding bin contents are added up (projected onto the remaining axes). Using the characters O and U one can decide to exclude underflow or overflow from the projection. Using a selection of the characters 0123456789 one can restrict the sum further to only include the corresponding bins. In this counting, the first non-underflow bin corresponds to the character 0. This obviously only works for up to ten bins.

Definition at line 725 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldDensityV17::GetBackground(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetBias(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetDeltaSysBackgroundScale(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetDeltaSysSource(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetDeltaSysTau(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetFoldedOutput(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetInput(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetOutput(), TUnfoldDensityV17::GetRhoIstatbgr(), and TUnfoldDensityV17::GetRhoItotal().

TH2D * TUnfoldBinningV17::CreateHistogramOfMigrations ( TUnfoldBinningV17 const *  xAxis,
TUnfoldBinningV17 const *  yAxis,
char const *  histogramName,
Bool_t  originalXAxisBinning = kFALSE,
Bool_t  originalYAxisBinning = kFALSE,
char const *  histogramTitle = 0 
) [static]

create a TH2D histogram capable to hold the bins of the two input binning schemes on the x and y axes, respectively

[in] xAxis binning scheme for the x axis

[in] yAxis binning scheme for the y axis
[in] histogramName name of the histogram which is created
[in] originalXAxisBinning preserve x-axis bin widths if possible
[in] originalXAxisBinning preserve y-axis bin widths if possible
[in] histogramTitle if is non-zero, it is taken as histogram title otherwise, the title is created automatically

returns a new TH2D.

Definition at line 829 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

void TUnfoldBinningV17::DecodeAxisSteering ( const char *  axisSteering,
const char *  options,
Int_t *  isOptionGiven 
) const

decode axis steering

[in] axisSteering the steering to decode
[in] options the allowed options to extract
[out] isOptionGiven array of decoded steering options, the dimension equal to the number of characters in options

the axis steering is given in the form "axis[option];axis[option];..."
axis : the name of the axis for which the optionlist is relevant the character * matches all axes
option : a list of characters taken from options
for each match the corresponding bit number corresponding to the axis number is set in isOptionGiven[i], where i is the position of the matching option character in options

Definition at line 2081 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldDensityV17::RegularizeOneDistribution().

TH1 * TUnfoldBinningV17::ExtractHistogram ( const char *  histogramName,
const TH1 *  globalBins,
const TH2 *  globalBinsEmatrix = 0,
Bool_t  originalAxisBinning = kTRUE,
const char *  axisSteering = 0 
) const

Definition at line 1332 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::FillBinMap1D ( Int_t *  binMap,
const char *  axisSteering,
Int_t  firstBinX 
) const

map all global bins referenced by this node to the one-dimensional histogram destHist, starting with bin firstBinX

[out] binMap to be used with TUnfoldSys::GetOutput() etc
[in] axisSteering steering for underflow/overflow/projections
[in] firstBinX first bin of destination histogram to be filled

returns: highest bin number in destibation histogram plus 1
The parameter axisSteering is explained with the method CreateHistogram()

Definition at line 1061 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::FillBinMapRecursive ( Int_t  startBin,
const char *  axisSteering,
Int_t *  binMap 
) const [protected]

recursively fill bin map

[in] startBin first histogram bin
[in] axisSteering see CreateHistogram() method
[out] binMap the bin mapping which is to be filled

the positions binMap[GetStartBin()]...binMap[GetEndBin()-1] are filled

Definition at line 1152 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::FillBinMapSingleNode ( const TH1 *  hist,
Int_t  startBin,
Int_t  nDim,
const Int_t *  axisList,
const char *  axisSteering,
Int_t *  binMap 
) const [protected]

fill bin map for a single node

[in] hist the histogram representing this node (used if nDim>0)
[in] startBin start bin in the bin map
[in] nDim number of dimensions to resolve
[in] axisList[3] TUnfoldBinning axis numbers corresponding to the axes of hist
[in] axisSteering see documentation of CreateHistogram()
[out] binMap the bin map to fill

returns the number of bins mapped.
The result depends on the parameter nDim as follows

  • nDim==0: bins are mapped in linear order, ignore hist and axisList
  • nDim==hist->GetDimension(): bins are mapped to "hist" bin numbers the corresponding TUnfoldBinning axes are taken from axisList[]
  • nDim=1 and hist->GetDimension()>1: bins are mapped to the x-axis of "hist" the corresponding TUnfoldBinning axis is taken from axisList[0]

Definition at line 1190 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

TUnfoldBinningV17 const * TUnfoldBinningV17::FindNode ( char const *  name  )  const
Double_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetBinFactor ( Int_t  iBin  )  const [virtual]

return scaling factor for the given global bin number

[in] iBin global bin number

returns the scaling factor for this bin. The scaling factors can be set using the method SetBinFactorFunction()

Definition at line 1724 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML(), and PrintStream().

TString TUnfoldBinningV17::GetBinName ( Int_t  iBin  )  const

get the name of a bin

[in] iBin global bin number

returns a string describing the bin

Definition at line 1636 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldDensityV17::GetOutputBinName(), and PrintStream().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetBinNeighbours ( Int_t  bin,
Int_t  axis,
Int_t *  prev,
Double_t *  distPrev,
Int_t *  next,
Double_t *  distNext,
Bool_t  isPeriodic = kFALSE 
) const

get neighbour bins along the specified axis

[in] bin global bin number
[in] axis axis number of interest
[out] prev bin number of previous bin or -1 if not existing
[out] distPrev distance between bin centres
[out] next bin number of next bin or -1 if not existing
[out] distNext distance between bin centres
[in] isPeriodic (default=false) if true, the first bin is counted as neighbour of the last bin

return code

  • 0 everything is fine
  • 1,2,3 isPeriodic option was reset to false, because underflow/overflow bins are present
    • +1 invalid isPeriodic option was specified with underflow bin
    • +2 invalid isPeriodic option was specified with overflow bin

Definition at line 1784 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldDensityV17::RegularizeOneDistribution().

Double_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetBinSize ( Int_t  iBin  )  const

get N-dimensional bin size

[in] iBin global bin number

Definition at line 1681 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by PrintStream().

void TUnfoldBinningV17::GetBinUnderflowOverflowStatus ( Int_t  iBin,
Int_t *  uStatus,
Int_t *  oStatus 
) const

return bit maps indicating underflow and overflow status

[in] iBin global bin number
[out] uStatus bit map indicating whether the bin is underflow
[out] oStatus bit map indicating whether the bin is overflow

Definition at line 1837 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldDensityV17::RegularizeOneDistribution().

TUnfoldBinningV17 const* TUnfoldBinningV17::GetChildNode ( void   )  const [inline]
Double_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionAverageBinSize ( Int_t  axis,
Bool_t  includeUnderflow,
Bool_t  includeOverflow 
) const [virtual]

get average bin size on the specified axis

[in] axis axis number
[in] includeUnderflow whether to include the underflow bin
[in] includeOverflow whether to include the overflow bin

Definition at line 1881 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldDensityV17::RegularizeOneDistribution().

TString TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionAxisLabel ( Int_t  axis  )  const [inline]
Double_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionBinCenter ( Int_t  axis,
Int_t  bin 
) const [virtual]

return bin center for a given axis and bin number

[in] axis axis number
[in] bin local bin number on the specified axis

returns the geometrical bin center. for underflow and overflow, the calculation is using the GetDistributionUnderflowBinWidth() and GetDistributionOverflowBinWidth() methods.

Definition at line 1952 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML(), GetBinFactor(), and GetBinNeighbours().

TVectorD const* TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionBinning ( Int_t  axis  )  const [inline]
Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionDimension ( void   )  const [inline]
Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionNumberOfBins ( void   )  const [inline]
Double_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionOverflowBinWidth ( Int_t  axis  )  const [virtual]

return bin width assigned to the overflow bin

[in] axis axis number

the bin width of the last bin is returned. The method is virtual, so this behaviour can be adjusted.

Definition at line 1933 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML(), and GetBinSize().

Double_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetDistributionUnderflowBinWidth ( Int_t  axis  )  const [virtual]

return bin width assigned to the underflow bin

[in] axis axis number

the bin width of the first bin is returned. The method is virtual, so this behaviour can be adjusted.

Definition at line 1918 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML(), and GetBinSize().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetEndBin ( void   )  const [inline]

last+1 bin of this node (includes children)

Definition at line 142 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by CreateEmptyBinMap(), ExtractHistogram(), FillBinMapSingleNode(), PrintStream(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalBinNumber ( const Double_t *  x,
Int_t *  isBelow = 0,
Int_t *  isAbove = 0 
) const

locate a bin in an N-dimensional distribution

[in] x array of coordinates
[out] isBelow pointer to an integer (bit vector) to indicate coordinates which do not fit in the binning scheme
[out] isAbove pointer to an integer (bit vector) to indicate coordinates which do not fit in the binning scheme

returns the global bin number within the distribution attached to this node. The global bin number is valid for the root node of the binning scheme. If some coordinates do not fit, zero is returned. The integers pointed to by isBelow and isAbove are set to zero. However, if coordinate i is below the lowest bin border and there is no underflow bin, the bin i is set in (*isBelow). Overflows are handled in a similar manner with (*isAbove).
If a coordinate is NaN, the result is undefined for TUnfold Version<17.6. As of version 17.6, NaN is expected to end up in the underflow or by setting the corresponding bit in (*isBelow).

Definition at line 1585 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalBinNumber ( Double_t  x0,
Double_t  x1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  x3,
Double_t  x4,
Double_t  x5 
) const

locate a bin in a six-dimensional distribution

[in] x0 coordinate on first axis
[in] x1 coordinate on second axis
[in] x2 coordinate on third axis
[in] x3 coordinate on fourth axis
[in] x4 coordinate on fifth axis
[in] x5 coordinate on sixth axis

returns the global bin number within the distribution attached to this node. The global bin number is valid for the root node of the binning scheme

Definition at line 1542 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalBinNumber ( Double_t  x0,
Double_t  x1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  x3,
Double_t  x4 
) const

locate a bin in a five-dimensional distribution

[in] x0 coordinate on first axis
[in] x1 coordinate on second axis
[in] x2 coordinate on third axis
[in] x3 coordinate on fourth axis
[in] x4 coordinate on fifth axis

returns the global bin number within the distribution attached to this node. The global bin number is valid for the root node of the binning scheme

Definition at line 1509 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalBinNumber ( Double_t  x0,
Double_t  x1,
Double_t  x2,
Double_t  x3 
) const

locate a bin in a four-dimensional distribution

[in] x0 coordinate on first axis
[in] x1 coordinate on second axis
[in] x2 coordinate on third axis
[in] x3 coordinate on fourth axis

returns the global bin number within the distribution attached to this node. The global bin number is valid for the root node of the binning scheme

Definition at line 1478 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalBinNumber ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y,
Double_t  z 
) const

locate a bin in a three-dimensional distribution

[in] x coordinate on first axis
[in] y coordinate on second axis
[in] z coordinate on third axis

returns the global bin number within the distribution attached to this node. The global bin number is valid for the root node of the binning scheme

Definition at line 1449 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalBinNumber ( Double_t  x,
Double_t  y 
) const

locate a bin in a two-dimensional distribution

[in] x coordinate on first axis
[in] y coordinate on second axis

returns the global bin number within the distribution attached to this node. The global bin number is valid for the root node of the binning scheme

Definition at line 1425 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalBinNumber ( Double_t  x  )  const

locate a bin in a one-dimensional distribution

[in] x coordinate

returns the global bin number within the distribution attached to this node. THe global bin number is valid for the root node of the binning scheme

Definition at line 1406 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by GetGlobalBinNumber().

Double_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetGlobalFactor ( void   )  const

return global scaling factor for this node

Definition at line 1713 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML().

TUnfoldBinningV17 const* TUnfoldBinningV17::GetNextNode ( void   )  const [inline]
const TUnfoldBinningV17 * TUnfoldBinningV17::GetNonemptyNode ( void   )  const [protected]

find a node which has non-empty distributions if there is none or if there are many, return zero

Definition at line 907 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by BuildHistogramTitle2D(), and CreateHistogramOfMigrations().

TUnfoldBinningV17 const* TUnfoldBinningV17::GetParentNode ( void   )  const [inline]

mother node

Definition at line 110 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by AddBinning(), GetRootNode(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

TUnfoldBinningV17 const* TUnfoldBinningV17::GetPrevNode ( void   )  const [inline]

previous sister node

Definition at line 106 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by AddBinning(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

TUnfoldBinningV17 * TUnfoldBinningV17::GetRootNode ( void   )  [protected]

return root node

Definition at line 543 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

TUnfoldBinningV17 const * TUnfoldBinningV17::GetRootNode ( void   )  const

return root node of the binnig scheme

Definition at line 552 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by CreateEmptyBinMap(), TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ImportXML(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetStartBin ( void   )  const [inline]
Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetTH1xNumberOfBins ( Bool_t  originalAxisBinning = kTRUE,
const char *  axisSteering = 0 
) const

return the number of histogram bins required when storing this binning in a one-dimensional histogram

[in] originalAxisBinning if true, try to have the histogram axis reflect precisely the relevant axis of the binnnig scheme
[in] axisSteering steering to integrate over axis and/or skip underflow and overflow bins

returns the number of bins of the TH1, where the underflow/overflow are not used, unless the distribution has only one axis and originalAxisBinning=true)
axisSteering is a string as follows: "axis[options];axis[options];..." where: axis = name or * is an identifier of an axis (* matches all) and: options is any combination of the letters C,U,O (other letters are ignored).
The letter C means that the corresponding axis is collapsed into one bin, i.e. one dimension is removed from the counting. The letters U,O remove for the matching axis the underflow.overflow bins from the counting

Definition at line 665 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by PrintStream().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetTHxxBinning ( Int_t  maxDim,
Int_t *  axisBins,
Int_t *  axisList,
const char *  axisSteering 
) const [protected]

calculate properties of a THxx histogram to store this binning

[in] maxDim maximum dimension of the THxx (0 or 1..3) maxDim==0 is used to indicate that the histogram should be dimensional with all bins mapped on one axis, bin centers equal to bin numbers
[in] axisSteering see method CreateHistogram()
[out] axisBins[3] number of bins on the THxx axes
[out] axisList[3] TUnfoldBinning axis number corresponding to the THxx axis

returns 1-3 dimension of THxx or 0 for 1-dim THxx with equidistant bins

Definition at line 886 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by CreateHistogramOfMigrations().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetTHxxBinningSingleNode ( Int_t  maxDim,
Int_t *  axisBins,
Int_t *  axisList,
const char *  axisSteering 
) const [protected]

get the properties of a histogram capable to hold the distribution attached to this node

[in] maxDim maximum dimension of the THxx (0 or 1..3) maxDim==0 is used to indicate that the histogram should 1-dimensional with all bins mapped on one axis
[out] axisBins[3] number of bins on the THxx axes
[out] axisList[3] TUnfoldBinning axis numbers corresponding to the THxx axis
[in] axisSteering see method CreateHistogram() and projection

returns 1-3 dimension of THxx or use 1-dim THxx, binning structure is not preserved

Definition at line 943 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by GetTHxxBinning(), and GetTHxxBinsRecursive().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::GetTHxxBinsRecursive ( const char *  axisSteering  )  const [protected]

calculate number of bins required to store this binning with teh given axisSteering

[in] axisSteering see method CreateHistogram()

returns the number of bins

Definition at line 999 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

const TObjString * TUnfoldBinningV17::GetUnconnectedBinName ( Int_t  bin  )  const

return the bin names of unconnected bins

[in] bin local bin number

Definition at line 1863 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML().

Bool_t TUnfoldBinningV17::HasOverflow ( int  axis  )  const [inline]

check whether the axis has an overflow bin

Definition at line 176 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML(), and PrintStream().

Bool_t TUnfoldBinningV17::HasUnconnectedBins ( void   )  const

check whether there are bins but no axis

Definition at line 1854 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML(), and GetUnconnectedBinName().

Bool_t TUnfoldBinningV17::HasUnderflow ( int  axis  )  const [inline]

check whether an axis has an underflow bin

Definition at line 174 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML(), and PrintStream().

void TUnfoldBinningV17::Initialize ( Int_t  nBins  )  [protected]

initialize variables for a given number of bins

Definition at line 145 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Bool_t TUnfoldBinningV17::IsBinFactorGlobal ( void   )  const [virtual]

check whether there is only a global scaling factor for this node

Definition at line 1707 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ExportXML().

void TUnfoldBinningV17::PrintStream ( std::ostream &  out,
Int_t  indent = 0,
int  debug = 0 
) const

print some information about this binning tree

[out] out stream to write to
[in] indent initial indentation (sub-trees have indent+1)
[in] debug if debug>0 print more information

Definition at line 426 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by PrintStream().

void TUnfoldBinningV17::SetBinFactor ( Double_t  normalisation,
TObject *  binfactor 
) [protected]

set normalisation factors which are used in calls to GetBinFactor()

[in] normalisation normalisation factor
[in] binfactor object which defines a factor for each bin

IN the presnet implementation, binfactor can be a TF1 or a TVectorD. The TF1 is evaluated a the bin centes of the relevant axes. The TVectorD is indexed by the global bin number minus the start bin number of this node.

Definition at line 500 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by TUnfoldBinningXMLV17::ImportXMLNode().

void TUnfoldBinningV17::SetBinFactorFunction ( Double_t  normalisation,
TF1 *  userFunc = 0 

set normalisation factor and function which are used in calls to GetBinFactor()

[in] normalisation normalisation factor
[in] userFunc function evaluated at the (multi-dimensional) bin centres

Definition at line 516 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

void TUnfoldBinningV17::SetBinMapEntry ( Int_t *  binMap,
Int_t  globalBin,
Int_t  destBin 
) const

set one entry in a bin map

[out] binMap to be used with TUnfoldSys::GetOutput() etc
[in] source bin, global bin number in this binning scheme
[in] destination bin in the output histogram

Definition at line 1039 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

TUnfoldBinningV17 const * TUnfoldBinningV17::ToAxisBins ( Int_t  globalBin,
Int_t *  axisBins 
) const [protected]

return distribution in which the bin is located and bin numbers on the corresponding axes

[in] globalBin global bin number
[out] local bin numbers of the distribution's axes

returns the distribution in which the globalBin is located or 0 if the globalBin is outside this node and its children

Definition at line 2030 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by GetBinFactor(), GetBinName(), GetBinSize(), and ToAxisBins().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::ToGlobalBin ( Int_t const *  axisBins,
Int_t *  isBelow = 0,
Int_t *  isAbove = 0 
) const [protected]

get global bin number, given axis bin numbers

[in] axisBins[] bin numbers on each axis
[out] isBelow indicates bins are in underflow but there is no undeflow bin
[out] isAbove indicates bins are in overflow but there is no overflow bin

return: global bin nuber or -1 if not matched.

Definition at line 1983 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::UpdateFirstLastBin ( Bool_t  startWithRootNode = kTRUE  )  [protected]

update fFirstBin and fLastBin members of this node and its children

[in] startWithRootNode if true, start the update with the root node

Definition at line 166 of file TUnfoldBinningV17.cxx.

Referenced by AddBinning(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

Member Data Documentation

first daughter node

Definition at line 59 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by AddBinning(), GetChildNode(), Initialize(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

TObjArray* TUnfoldBinningV17::fAxisLabelList [protected]

for each axis its name (TObjString), or names of unconnected bins

Definition at line 67 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by GetBinName(), GetDistributionAxisLabel(), GetUnconnectedBinName(), and Initialize().

TObjArray* TUnfoldBinningV17::fAxisList [protected]

for each axis the bin borders (TVectorD)

Definition at line 65 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by CreateHistogramOfMigrations(), GetDistributionBinning(), GetDistributionDimension(), Initialize(), and PrintStream().

common scale factor for all bins of this node

Definition at line 81 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by GetBinFactor(), GetGlobalFactor(), and Initialize().

function to calculate a scale factor from bin centres (may be a TF1 or a TVectorD

Definition at line 79 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by GetBinFactor(), Initialize(), and IsBinFactorGlobal().

number of bins in this node's distribution

Definition at line 73 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by GetDistributionNumberOfBins(), Initialize(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::fFirstBin [protected]

global bin number of the first bin

Definition at line 75 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by GetStartBin(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

bit fields indicating whether there are overflow bins on the axes

Definition at line 71 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by HasOverflow(), and Initialize().

bit fields indicating whether there are underflow bins on the axes

Definition at line 69 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by HasUnderflow(), Initialize(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

Int_t TUnfoldBinningV17::fLastBin [protected]

global bin number of the last(+1) bin, including daughters

Definition at line 77 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by GetEndBin(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

next sister

Definition at line 61 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by AddBinning(), GetNextNode(), Initialize(), and UpdateFirstLastBin().

mother node

Definition at line 57 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by AddBinning(), GetParentNode(), GetRootNode(), and Initialize().

previous sister

Definition at line 63 of file TUnfoldBinning.h.

Referenced by AddBinning(), GetPrevNode(), and Initialize().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Files Functions Variables Enumerations Enumerator Defines

Generated on 17 Nov 2016 for TUnfold by  doxygen 1.6.1