DESY in den Medien


DESY in den Medien


Tracking plasma progression in a picosecond: Physicists develop ultra-fast laser method to study high-density plasmas
Reichweite: 87.736 - September 18, 2024 This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: fact-checked peer-reviewed pu ...

One step from oxides to sustainable bulk alloys
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Metallurgical production traditionally involves three steps: extracting metals from ores, mixing them into alloys by liquid processing and thermomechanical processing to achieve the desired microstructures . This sequential appro ...

Regulating phase homogeneity by self-assembled molecules for enhanced efficiency and stability of inverted perovskite solar cells
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Heterogeneity in transporting interfaces and perovskites poses a substantial challenge in improving the efficiency of perovskite solar cells from small to large scales, a key barrier to their commercial use. Here we find that the ...

From 2D to 3D In Vitro World: Sonodynamically-Induced Prooxidant Proapoptotic Effects of C60-Berberine Nanocomplex on Cancer Cells
Division Molecular Biotechnology and Functional Genomics, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau, Hochschulring 1, 15745 Wildau, Germany Faculty of Health Sciences, Joint Faculty of the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbu ...

Structural basis of CDNF interaction with the UPR regulator GRP78
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor (CDNF) is an unconventional neurotrophic factor that is a disease-modifying drug candidate for Parkinson's disease. CDNF has pleiotropic protective effects on stressed cells, but its mechanis ...

Monoclinic distortion and magnetic transitions in FeO under pressure and temperature
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Fe x O, although chemically simple, possesses a complex structural and magnetic phase diagram. The crystal structures of Fe x O and its magnetic properties at extreme conditions are still a matter of debate. Here, we performed a ...

On the Absorption of ?-Radiation by Absorbers with a Thickness Equal to a Multiple of the Mean Free Path and Analogies with Standing Waves in a Sound Resonance Tube
This article addresses the phenomenon of the decreased absorption of ?-radiation when the thickness of the absorber equals a multiple of the mean free path, as observed in relevant laboratory experiments with various absorbing materials. This phenomenon ...

Proximity coupling induced two dimensional magnetic order in EuO-based synthetic ferrimagnets
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Proximity effects allow for the adjustment of magnetic properties in a physically elegant way. If two thin ferromagnetic (FM) films are brought into contact, electronic coupling alters their magnetic exchange interaction at their ...

Haarfeiner Draht mit extremen Bedingungen
Reichweite: 920 - Neue Methode für die Simulation von kosmischen Verhältnissen. Im Inneren von Sternen und Planeten herrschen extreme Bedingungen. Mit ausgefeilten Methoden gelingt es, solche Materiezustände im Labor zu erzeugen – wenn auch nur für e ...

Remote Scheduling Assistant in Delve, Schleswig-Holstein gesucht
Hast du eine Leidenschaft für das Reisen und die endlosen Möglichkeiten, die es bietet, um Geschichte zu verbinden? Falls ja, könnte der Job als Remote Scheduling Assistant bei Best Days Travel genau das Richtige für dich sein! Das Unterne ...

Tiny Laser Transforms Copper Wire Into a 180,000°F Cosmic Furnace
Skip to comments. Posted on 9/15/2024, 3:13:14 AM by Red Badger Artistic view of the imploding wire: a strong current of high-energy electrons (pink) heats up the surface, thus driving subsequent shockwaves that compress the wire radiall ...

Tiny Laser Transforms Copper Wire Into a 180,000°F Cosmic Furnace
Reichweite: 381.109 - Using a novel laser method, scientists mimicked the extreme environments of stars and planets, enhancing our understanding of astrophysical phenomena and supporting nuclear fusion research. Extreme conditions prevail inside stars and plan ...

Metformin hydrolase is a recently evolved nickel-dependent heteromeric ureohydrolase
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract The anti-diabetic drug metformin is one of the most widely prescribed medicines in the world. Together with its degradation product guanylurea, it is a major pharmaceutical pollutant in wastewater treatment plants and surface wat ...

Bedingungen wie in Sternen in haarfeinem Draht
Reichweite: 5.250 - Redaktion / Pressemitteilung des Helmholtz-Zentrums Dresden-Rossendorf Die Bedingungen im Inneren von Sternen im Labor nachzustellen, ist nicht ganz einfach, aber möglich: für kurze Zeit und in einem winzigen Volumen. Bislang ...

Laser technique recreates extreme star and planet conditions in lab
A research team led by Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), in collaboration with the European XFEL, has successfully simulated extreme conditions similar to the ones found inside stars and planets using a smaller, more accessible ...

Annealing Behavior of a Mg-Y-Zn-Al Alloy Processed by Rapidly Solidified Ribbon Consolidation
Department of Materials Physics, Faculty of Science, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Pázmány P. sétány 1/A, H-1117 Budapest, Hungary Department of Physics of Materials, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Ke Karlovu 5, ...

A hair-thin wire to simulate cosmic conditions
Nanowerk News ) Extreme conditions prevail inside stars and planets. The pressure reaches millions of bars, and it can be several million degrees hot. Sophisticated methods make it possible to create such states of matter in the laboratory – albeit ...

Reichweite: 1.016 - Künstlerische Darstellung des in sich zusammenbrechenden Drahts: Ein starker Strom hochenergetischer Elektronen (rosa) erhitzt die Oberfläche blitzartig und erzeugt so Schockwellen, die den Draht strahlenförmig zusammendrücken. Bild: HZDR / T. Toncian ...

Meet HALRIC at Nordic Life Science Days 2024
Join us with your morning coffee at the Medicon Village Innovation booth (A17) on 19 September from 9:00 to 10:00 during the Nordic Life Science Days 2024 in Malmö. Meet HALRIC Ambassadors and Industry Outreach advisors to find out how you ...

Nearly Monochromatic Bremsstrahlung of High Intensity via Microparticle Targets: A Novel Concept
Open Access Article by Rolf Behling Rolf Behling SciProfiles Scilit Google Scholar Christopher Hulme Christopher Hulme SciProfiles Scilit Google Scholar ...

Hair-thin Wire To Help Simulate Cosmic Conditions
Reichweite: 4.600 - So far, experts have been firing extremely high-energy laser flashes at a material sample, usually a thin foil. This causes the material on the surface to heat up suddenly. This creates a shock wave that races through the sample. It compre ...

Hair-thin wire to help simulate cosmic conditions
Extreme conditions prevail inside stars and planets. The pressure reaches millions of bars, and it can be several million degrees hot. Sophisticated methods make it possible to create such states of matter in the laboratory -- albeit only for the blink o ...

Laser and X-ray combo creates star-like conditions inside a hair-thin wire
Reichweite: 87.736 - September 12, 2024 This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies Editors have highlighted the following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: fact-checked peer-reviewed pu ...

XXL-Bauprojekt in Hamburg: So könnte die Science City Bahrenfeld aussehen
Reichweite: 15.534.781 - Es ist eines der ambitioniertesten Projekte Hamburgs: Die Science City Bahrenfeld soll in den 2040er Jahren fertig werden. Schon bald rollen die Bagger. Die Science City Bahrenfeld kommt einen wichtigen Schritt voran. Das dänische Archite ...

Cylindrical compression of thin wires by irradiation with a Joule-class short-pulse laser
Reichweite: 74.209 - Abstract Equation of state measurements at Jovian or stellar conditions are currently conducted by dynamic shock compression driven by multi-kilojoule multi-beam nanosecond-duration lasers. These experiments require precise design of the ...