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 Aspects of QCD

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 Time:  Tuesday, 9-10.
 Place:  Seminar room, first floor, building 68.

21/08/2007 Organisational meeting
11/09/2007 The gauge principle, Lagrangian formulation, QCD as a gauge theory.
25/09/2007 Charge renormalisation in QED.
02/10/2007 Charge renormalisation in QCD.
Addendum 1: Current conservation etc.
09/10/2007 Example for use of renormalised alphaS: Ratio R and the lambda parameter. ,
16/10/2007 Discussion of open points from last lecture; R revisited: estimation of higher-order effects
23/10/2007 No lecture.
30/10/2007 Ratio R again - final-state corrections and kinematics.
06/11/2007 Jets in e+e- and jet fractions, etc.
13/11/2007 No lecture.
20/11/2007 Parton splittings: Introduction
20/11/2007 No lecture - illness!
4/12/2007 No lecture - Physics at the Terascale Workshop!
11/12/2007 Multiple parton splittings
018/12/2007 Backward evolution and coherence
??/??/200? Deep-inelastic scattering and the DGLAP formalism
??/??/200? Jet production in hadron-hadron collisions

 Purpose of the lectures
This series of mini-lectures first of all wants to shed light on various aspects of QCD which are
-- always used by everybody (for example in MC programs),
-- frequently discussed (for example in seminar and conference talks),
-- not always understood (by me, for example), and
-- hardly ever asked about (because nobody dares asking about things which for everybody else seem to be clear and obvious).
In this sense it aims mainly at diploma and PhD students.
On the other hand, as mentioned above, there is a large number of things that are not clear or obvious for me. A lecture series is a perfect opportunity for me to get a deeper understanding of some points. In that sense, I hope for lively discussions of the topics presented in the lectures.

 Style of the lectures
I would like these small lectures or seminar to be very informal. So I will present only very few hand-written slides, maybe do some calculations on the blackboard, and will try to be as pedagogical as possible. Questions are not only welcome but even vital for everybody's understanding (and the quality of my future presentations of the same material ;-) ...).

In addition, as was suggested by Robert Klanner, it might prove useful to have discussion sessions about material which is accessible for everybody like, for example, the QCD section in the PDG. Well, I think details have to be discussed with all possible listeners ...

The following list so far is neither comprehensive nor in any sensible order. Details of the program will be made available later; I am open for suggestions.
Gauge theories. Renormalisation. Running coupling. Parton splittings. Multiple splittings and parton evolution. Coherent branching. DGLAP. Resummation. Fixed-order calculations. NLO+PS matching.

Also the list of literature is neither comprehensive nor in any sensible order. I will try to point out in which book or article the relevant points are best explained, according to my personal taste.
-- Webber/Stirling/Ellis: QCD and Collider Physics (the infamous `Pink Book').
-- Bjorken and Drell: Relativistische Quantenmechanik.
-- Quigg: Gauge Theories of the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions.
-- Field: Applications of perturbative QCD.
-- Yndurain: Strong Interactions.

Last modified 22 November 2007, TSS