Getting started with Cheetah


At lcls

Cheetah is centrally installed on the LCLS servers at /reg/g/cfel/cheetah.

To access this version execute the setup script /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/cheetah-latest from your C shell (bash version also available):

[psanacs055:barty]~> source /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/setup.csh

Setting up Cheetah

Using /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/cheetah-latest


Once executed, the Cheetah GUI can be started using the command

> cheetah-gui

[psanacs055:barty]~> cheetah-gui

IDL Version 8.0 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2010, ITT Visual Information Solutions

This starts the Cheetah GUI interface (which runs using the IDL virtual machine in runtime mode).

Instructions on how to set up Cheetah for your experiment are contained on the configuration page.

To browse data use any machine with access to your data in /reg/d/psdm/....

It is best to run from one of the psana nodes (as these have faster data access).

To run cheetah and submit batch jobs it is necessary to have access to both the data directories and the ‘bsub’ batch queue commands.  This is most easily done by running on psexport (all calculations are sent to the batch queue, so this should not overload the one server).


Cheetah is controlled by a GUI front end which streamlines control of most common operations.

Follow the instructions below to access this at common experiment locations.