Cheetah installation


The latest releases and updates Cheetah are hosted on GitHub:

To get a copy:

    > git clone

Cheetah is open-source and has been released under the GNU GPL v3 license.

Main branches are:

    master = stable version, maybe slightly behind the cutting edge

    testing = latest developments, but still under internal testing to make sure improvements haven’t broken anything

An old and infrequently updated version is still found on DESY Stash

2. Dependencies

External libraries

Cheetah requires the following libraries and programs to be installed before cheetah itself can be compiled:

  1. HDF5

  2. cmake

Please make sure these are available before building Cheetah.

If you are compiling on the SLAC machines (eg; you can get a copy of cmake this way:

    export PATH=~filipe/cmake/bin:${PATH}

If the HDF5 library is not installed in a standard location set the HDF5_ROOT environment variable to point to it, e.g.:

    export HDF5_ROOT=${HOME}/local

XTC file reader

In order to read XTC data files produced at SLAC you will also need a copy of the psana front end. This can be obtained from SLAC using the scripts/ script.  

psana itself is maintained by SLAC and changes from time to time.  More information on psana can be found on the Confluence web site at SLAC

SLAC can translate XTC files into the more portable HDF5 format.  Support for reading SLAC-format HDF5 files will be added in the near future.  Although slower than reading XTC files, this will relieve the need to port software to read XTC files.

2. Building Cheetah with psana

With all dependencies installed we can start the build:

- Create and go into a build directory:

    $ mkdir build

    $ cd build

- Run ccmake

    $ ccmake ..

- Press "c" to configure.

1. Getting a copy of cheetah


- It's possible that you have to specify ANA_RELEASE manually. It should

point to the ana-current directory, for example on psexport it is


- You can also specify the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. I set mine to ~/usr

- If everything went well you should be able to press "g" to generate the Makefiles.

- Now just run make. This will build things and place the result in the

build directory.

$ make

- If you want to install just do.

$ make install