Plenary lectures

S. V. Roth: “Nanostructured and colloidal layer formation via spray coating”, Kolloid-Tagung “Multiresponsive systems”, München, Germany 10/2017

S. V. Roth: “Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science”, International Conference on 'Accelerators in Materials and Medical Sciences' 2017, Amity University, Dubai, VAE, 10/2017

S. V. Roth: “Investigating rapid technological coating processes in real-time and in situ”, Symposium, SAXS on Nanosystems”, Triest, Italien 10/2016

S. V. Roth: “Status of PETRA III and of the European XFEL”, 5th Asia-Oceania Forum, Pohang, Korea, 07/2010

Keynote lecture

S. V. Roth, G. Herzog, R. Döhrmann, S. Koyiloth Vayalil, G. Santoro, M. Schwartzkopf, S. Yu, G. Benecke, C. Trautmann, P. Müller-Buschbaum, W. Wurth: “GISAXS as a Tool for the in-situ Investigation of Thin Film Deposition”, Euromat 2013, Sevilla, Spain 09/2013

S. V. Roth: “GISAXS & Nanostructures”, Keynote lecture at 2nd User Workshop for SESAME, Al-Baqua University, Amman, Jordan, 09/2006

Invited talks and seminars

84.    S. V. Roth: “Time-resolved measurements”, GISAS 2018 summer school, Bayreuth, Germany, 09/2018

83.    S. V. Roth: “Interface formation during rapid coating processes”, GISAS2018 conference, Gyeongju, Korea, 09/2018

82.    S. V. Roth: “Sputter coating – nanostructure formation observed in real-time”, Nanotechnology and Innovation in the Baltic Sea Region (NIBS) 2018, Sonderburg, Denmark, 06/2018

81.    S. V. Roth: “PETRA IV – neue Möglichkeiten mit Synchrotronstrahlung”,42. Edgar-Lüscher-Seminar am Gymnasium Zwiesel, Zwiesel, Germany, 04/2018

80.    S. V. Roth: “Real-Time and in situ investigations during thin film formation”, GISANS workshop for new reactor based instrument at MLZ, Garching, Germany, 02/2018

79.    S. V. Roth: “Metal-polymer thin films and interfaces”,GRAZE 3.0 Workshop, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, 02/2018

78.    S. V. Roth: “Developments at P03”, SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS-User Workshop @ DESY, Satellite Meeting at DESY Photon Science Users‘ Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2018

77.    S. V. Roth: “A deep look into solvent based coating processes in real time”, OCE, Venlo, Niederlande, 12/2017

76.    S. V. Roth: “Photon-based characterization”, Wallenberg Wood Science Center (WWSC) school, Varberg, Sweden, 03/2017

75.    S. V. Roth: “Progress at MiNaXS/P03”, SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS-User Workshop @ DESY, Satellite Meeting at DESY Photon Science Users‘ Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2017

74.    S. V. Roth: “Investigations of nanogranular systems”, Workshop on Science of “From Matter to Materials and Life”, Hamburg, Germany, 12/2016

73.    S. V. Roth: “Tailoring the Nanostructure of Metal-Polymer Thin Films”, Kolloquium, INM Saarbrücken, Germany, 12/2016

72.    S. V. Roth: “Spray coating for nanostructured layer systems”, WWSC workshop, 12/2016, Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden

71.    S. V. Roth: “Advances In Thin Film Coating – the crucial role of X-rays”, Polymer Seminar, Lehrstuhl für Funktionelle Materialien E13, Physik-Department TU München, Garching, Germany, 11/2016

70     S. V. Roth: “Advanced In-Situ and Real Time Investigations of Coating Processes”, Visit of Chinese Academy of Sciences/BSRF, Hamburg, Germany 11/2016

69.    S. V. Roth: “Opportunities for industrial research at Photon Science”, Workshop: “Industrie 4.0” & “Made in China 2025”, Hamburg, Germany 11/2016

68.    S. V. Roth, DESY: “High-speed GISAXS”, Workshop GISAXS2016 “GISAXS – an advanced scattering method”, Hamburg, Germany 11/2016

67.    S. V. Roth: “Status of the MiNaXS Beamline”, SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS-User Workshop @ DESY, Satellite Meeting at DESY Photon Science Users‘ Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2016

66.    S. V. Roth: “Similarities, differences and the potential of GISAS using x-rays and neutron”, GiSANS workshop, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, 11/2015

65.    S. V. Roth: “Tailoring the Polymer-Metal Interface”, Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science 6 (SRPS6), Madrid, Spain, 09/2015

64.    S. V. Roth: “In situ and operando studies using scattering methods”, INF-Workshop: Bio-Nano-Interfaces, Kiel/Oslo, Germany/Norway, 05/2015

63.    S. V. Roth: “In-situ and operando investigations in organic electronics and photovoltaics using X-rays”, Seminar Synchrotron Soleil, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, 02/2015

62.    S. V. Roth: “In situ and operando studies using scattering methods”, DESY Photon Science Days 2015, Jesteburg, Germany, 02/2015

61.    S. V. Roth: “Functional layers and OPVs – the power of in-situ X-ray studies”, Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) Meeting on Photovoltaics, Florida, USA, 01/2015

60.    S. V. Roth: “Status of the MiNaXS Beamline”, SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS-User Workshop @ DESY, Satellite Meeting at DESY Photon Science Users‘ Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2015

59.    S. V. Roth: “Röntgenstreumethoden für in-situ und in-operando Studien”, 21. Schwerpunkttreffen “Analyse nanostrukturierter Materialien mit Röntgenlicht“, Geesthachter Innovations- und Technologiezentrum – GITZ GmbH, Geesthacht, Germany, 11/2014

58.    S. V. Roth: “In-situ and in operando studies using X-rays – from bulk to surfaces”, Joint KTH-DESY workshop on advanced characterization techniques for soft materials, Hamburg, Germany, 09/2014

57.    S. V. Roth: “In-situ grazing incidence scattering in information and communication technology”, 23rd IUCr conference, Montreal, Kanada, 08/2014

56.    S. V. Roth, J. F. H. Risch, G. Santoro, M. Schwartzkopf, P. Zhang, E. Metwalli, P. Müller-Buschbaum, P. Staniec, N. Terrill, S. Yu: Combining sputter deposition and in-situ GISAXS”, S4SAS workshop, Diamond Light Source, UK, 07/2014

55.    S. V. Roth: “In-situ UHV growth studies using grazing incidence scattering”, PETRA III Variable Polarization XUV Beamline P04 Users Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany 06/2014

54.    S. V. Roth: “Recent developments at MiNaXS (P03)”, Polymer-Seminar, Technische Universität München, München, Germany, 03/2014

53.    S. V. Roth: “Status of PETRA III Beamline P03”, Satellite Workshop “Status and Perspectives of Small Angle X-ray Scattering at DESY”, DESY Photon Science User’s Meeting 2014, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2014

52.    S. V. Roth: “Advanced scattering methods for characterizing materials & understanding processes”, Ekman Days, Stockholm, Sweden 01/2014

51.    S. V. Roth: ”Advanced grazing incidence scattering at P03/MiNaXS”, Workshop GISAXS2013, DESY, Hamburg, Germany 10/2013

50.    S. V. Roth: “Looking into functional materials”, 1st Characterization Day at BASF, BASF, Ludwigshafen, Germany 10/2013

49.    M. Schwartzkopf, R. Döhrmann, G. Benecke, B. Heidmann, G. Santoro, S. Yu, S.Koyiloth Vayatil, P. Zhang, S. Bommel, G. Herzog, P. Müller-Buschbaum, S. V. Roth: “Observing thin film process technology in-situ – the case of sputter deposition”, Emerging Themes in Analysis of Grazing Incidence Small Angle Scattering, Abingdon, UK 07/2013

48.    S. V. Roth: “Small- and wide angle X-ray scattering for applied materials science”, ESS Science Symposium on New Generation Green Construction Materials, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden, 04/2013

47.    S. V. Roth: “Towards real-time observation of process technology”, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Visit to DESY, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 02/2013

46.    S. V. Roth: “Status of MiNaXS (P03)”, SAXS/WAXS Satellite Workshop to HASYLAB User Meeting, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2013

45.    S. V. Roth: “Observing the growth of metal layers on polymer films - in-situ studies using GISAXS”, Université de Poitiers, Poitiers, France, 01/2013

44.    S. V. Roth: “High-throughput and µ/n foci”, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), Pohang, Korea, 11/2012

43.    S. V. Roth: “Materials science in 2D – tailoring thin nanocomposite films”, Pohang Institute of Science and Technology (POSTECH), Pohang, Korea, 11/2012

42.    S. V. Roth: “In-situ investigations for process technology using X-ray micro- and nanobeams”, Seminar at Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 06/2012

41.    S. V. Roth: “Looking in-situ into Polymer-Metal layer formation”, Seminar at Karls-Universität Prag, Tschechische Republik, 04/2012

40.    S. V. Roth: “Looking with x-rays into nanocomposite production - From colloids to selective deposition”, Seminar at IPF Dresden, Germany, 11/2011

39.    S. V. Roth: “Future advanced scattering methods at PETRA III”, Workshop GISAXS2011, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 10/2011

38.    S. V. Roth: “The PETRA III Beamline P03 (MINAXS)”, Second User Workshop Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Beamline P62 at the PETRA III Extension, Hamburg, Germany 10/2011

37.    S. V. Roth: “Synchrotronstrahlung für die Nanowelt”, Lüscher-Lectures (Lehrerfortbildung), Dillingen, Germany, 09/2011

36.    S. V. Roth: “Development and Scientific possibilities of using micro- and nanofocused x-ray beams at MiNaXS / PETRA III”, V Congreso Nacional de AUSE, Valencia, Spain, 09/2011

35.    S. V. Roth, A. Buffet, M. Abul Kashem, G. Benecke, R. Gehrke, G. Herzog, V. Körstgens, J. Perlich., M. Rawolle, R. Roehlsberger, A. Rothkirch, K. Schlage, M. Schwartzkopf and P. Müller-Buschbaum: “Tailoring functional polymer-metal nanocomposites via sputter deposition”, ICCE-19, Shanghai, China, 07/2011

34.    S. V. Roth: “Nanocomposite and thin film formation: From nanoclusters to domains”, Polymer Science Lecture Series, Chineische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Changchun, China, 07/2011

33.    S. V. Roth: “Status and trends in advanced instrumentation for small- and wide-angle x-ray scattering - Looking into thin film formation”, Seminar Beijing Synchrotron Source, Beijing, China, 07/2011

32.    S. V. Roth: “Advanced SAXS Methods at PETRA III”, Workshop “New beamlines at ANKA”, Karlsruhe, Germany, 12/2010

31.    S. V. Roth: “Sputter deposition and colloidal surfaces: recent developments”, 2nd TUM-HASYLAB Colloquium “The metal-polymer interface”, Hamburg, Germany (11/2010)

30.    S. V. Roth: “Grazing incidence small-angle x-ray scattering - an advanced in-situ method to observe structure formation in thin films”, Seminar "Kondensierte Materie", RWTH Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 07/2010

29.    S. V. Roth: “Observing in-situ the formation of 2D and 1D polymer-metal nanocomposites during solution casting and sputter deposition”, International Workshop on In situ characterization of near-surface processes, Eisenerz, Austria, 05/2010

28.    S. V. Roth: “Report on the PETRA III Beamline P03”, PETRA III Extension Workshop on X-Ray Small Angle Scattering, Hamburg, Germany, 06/2010

27.    S. V. Roth: “GISAXS: Development and applications using nanobeams, microbeams and tomography”, X-ray Diffraction Limit Workshop 2011 - Workshop 5 “Materials Science with Coherent Nanobeams at the Edge of Feasibility”, Cornell University, Cornell NY, USA, 06/2011

26.    S. V. Roth: “Real time investigations of functional polymer-metal nanocomposites”, Seminar “GSI – Materialforschung”, Darmstadt, Germany (05/2010)

25.    S. V. Roth: “Functional metal-polymer nanocomposites - Observing their growth in real time”, Seminar Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 07/2009

24.    S. V. Roth: “Future and perspectives in nanocomposite research - New materials by new deposition techniques”, Seminar ESRF, Grenoble, France, 03/2009

23.    S. V. Roth: “GISAXS, Small Angle Scattering Workshop “SAXIER, a European Effort”, Liverpool, UK, 02/2009

22.    S. V. Roth: “Combining Micro- and nanobeams with SAXS for investigating nanocomposites in 3D and 2D”, IUCr2008 Satellite Meeting on X-ray and Neutron Techniques for Nano-Structural Research, SPRING-8, Japan, 08/2008

21.    S. V. Roth: Designing the nanostructure of the organic polymer – metal interface”, Symposium “Tayloring Organic Interfaces: Molecular Structures and Applications (SYSA)”, Symposium at the Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG), 2008, Berlin, Germany, 03/2008

20.    S. V. Roth: “The polymer-metal interface (Real-time observation of metal-on-polymer deposition kinetics)”, bilateral colloquium TUM-HASYLAB “The polymer-metal interface”, TU München, Garching, Germany, 09/2007

19.    S. V. Roth: “GISAXS at BW4 & Future Possibilities”, Workshop GISAXS2007, DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 05/2007

18.    S. V. Roth: “Structural investigations of 2D and 3D Nanocomposites”, MPI Golm, Germany, 08/2007

17.    S. V. Roth: “NanoGISAXS - future perspectives for nanostructured soft materials”, SAXIER-Workshop, Grenoble, France, 02/2007

16.    S. V. Roth: “Investigating nanostructured materials by scattering methods”, Seminar an der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Graz, Austria, 01/2007

15.    S. V. Roth: “The New Microfocus SAXS Instrument at PETRA III”, HASYLAB SAXS/WAXS Workshop 2007, HASYLAB User meeting 2007, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2007

14.    S. V. Roth: “The new μSAXS/WAXS Beamline at PETRA III - current status and future perspectives for micro- and nanofocus scattering experiments”, From Diffraction to Imaging: International Symposium on Scanning Microbeam Small- and Wide-Angle Scattering of Hierarchically Structured Materials, BESSY, Berlin, Germany, 12/2006.

13.    S. V. Roth: “New opportunities for small-angle x-ray scattering at BW4 / HASYLAB”, Seminar am Institute of Polymer Research, GKSS, Geesthacht, Germany, 05/2006

12.    S. V. Roth: “The microfocus SAXS / WAXS beamline at PETRA III”, First MicroSAXS/WAXS Beamline Workshop at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 05/2006

11.    S. V. Roth: “Probing Local Features in Composite Materials”, SAXS/WAXS Satellite Meeting at HASYLAB User meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2006

10.    S. V. Roth, H. Walter, R. Gehrke, P. Müller-Buschbaum: “Morphology of tempered gold nanoparticle thin films as a function of film thickness”, Reunion thematique OrNano, Paris, France, 07/2005

9.      S. V. Roth, R. Döhrmann, M. Dommach, R. Gehrke: “Introduction to BW4”, GISAXS Workshop 2005, HASYLAB, Hamburg, Germany, 05/2005

8.      S. V. Roth: “Thin noble metal films - novel samples investigated with advanced x-ray scattering methods”, Seminar Struktur und Dynamik kondensierter Materie, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany, 02/2005

7.      S. V. Roth: “Advanced x-ray scattering methods in materials science”, Inst. f. Strahlen- und Kernphysik d. Univ. Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 01/2005

6.      S. V. Roth: “GIUSAXS on noble metal nanoparticle multilayer systems”, HASYLAB User meeting - SAXS / WAXS Satellite Meeting, Hamburg, Germany, 01/2005

5.      S. V. Roth: “Microfocus x-ray Scattering Experiments in Polymer Science”, Institut für Polymerforschung e.V., Dresden, Germany, 12/2003

4.      S. V. Roth: “Current trends in microbeam SAXS / WAXS techniques”, HASYLAB at DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 12/2003

3.      S. V. Roth: “Microbeam WAXS and SAXS at ID13/ESRF - investigating nanostructured surfaces, polymer fibers and superalloys, Small Angle Scattering Club, Grenoble, France, 07/2003

2.      S. V. Roth: “Research in soft condensed matter at the ID13 microfocus beamline ESRF/Grenoble”, Institut für Polymerforschung e.V., Dresden, Germany, 11/2002

1.      S. Roth: “Material Science in Hard and Soft Condensed Matter at ID13”, Mitarbeiterseminar Physik-Department E13, TUM, Garching, Germany, 05/2002