1995-2007: H1, HERA, DESY If a program is running, it has to be modified. If a program is obsolete, it has to be documented. - H.Krehbiel 9'95 In this moment I'm living again the history of my nation. - S.Mikocki, the "polish bear" in front of a Macintosh (MWPC) in the H1 control room, with a Russian (lumi) and a German (muons) collaborator on his left and right [before 1992] The H1 control room was equipped with 19" workplaces, each of them occupied by a detector expert during construction and shutdown periods. I've been over in America. --- I quite like Europe. - P.Biddulph 9'95 to the question, if he knew the States. From BARRELET@FRCPN11.IN2P3.FR Mon Oct 23 11:07:26 1995 Bon courage Dirk, Tu vas peut-etre sortir de la situation typique "triangle des Bermudes" (trois labos qui se renvoient la balle). Man sieht es mit gutem Willen andeutungsweise. - C.Arndt, Diplomvortrag im Freitags-Seminar Wer die Arbeit kennt und sich nicht drueckt, der ist verrueckt. - Siegmar Schleif, 15.11.95 Les theoremes d'Etienne Barrelet: 1) Quand un probleme est vraiment grave, cela ne peut pas etre tres grave. 2) Quand un systeme complique se met a ne plus marcher d'un coup, il faut l'eteindre et le rallumer. - verifies lors de la panne des TDC SpaCal, juin 1996 Pascal Zini se marre, sans raison apparente, dans le hall nord, pendant un shift de nuit (1995). Le shift-leader (moi) lui demande: "Pourquoi tu te marres?" "Je suis les instructions de shift, paragraphe 12: Enjoy your shift." Wieso ist denn die Lampe am Eingang jetzt dauernd an? - Kerstin Borras, waehrend einer Nachtschicht, Juni 1996, 5 Uhr morgens When lumi, call run-coordinator. (6-7-96) When lumi, call run-coordinator, in case of problems. (7-7-96) When lumi, call run-coordinator, only in case of problems. (8-7-96) When lumi, call run-coordinator, only in case of big problems. (10-7-96) - Ueli Straumann on the H1 whiteboard Sie sind ja nur Ihre Wummer gewoehnt. Diese Elektronen, die sind 'was ganz Zartes. - Beate Naroska, 23.10.96, zu A. Schoening Zwanzig Leute aufhängen, gut! - Hilde Haertel, LP97 Wenn Du eine bestehende [BOS] Bank veraenderst, dann ist sie verbogen. - Hanna Mahlke Evils at DESY: Apart from the canteen, we have a Computer Center - E. Tzamariudaki, 31.3.98 I have a shift, and I don't know any more, what's going on in the hall. Can you give me some instructions? --- Is there a possibility to watch TV now? - F. Lehner, 30.6.98 (France '98) I need an access card to the north hole - L. Subasi, Summerstudent 2001 The problems are: Why can I do it? and: I did it. - S. Lueders, after deleting an important file in the H1 logging When people give a judgement about somebody else, they are in reality just talking about their own person. - E. Barrelet 2010-...: CTA Luckily I am not clever enough to find the easy way to find out who gave the answers. - J. Carr (20.4.2012) I am not talking about dates, I am talking about facts. - P. Jean (10.3.2016) Il est plus facile de mettre d'accord des administrateurs Windows que des sysadmins Linux. - C. Muller (5.12.2016, au CCRI) I am not tired, just sleepy. - 野崎誠也 (28.6.2018) My experience says, when 95% of the mystery is solved, then remaining 5% disappear without good explanation. - 齋藤隆之 (6.4.2021)