Andreas Hinzmann
Research Staff
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Geb. 01b Raum O1.211
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg, Germany
My main interest is in the search for physics beyond the Standard Model of
particle physics at high-energy particle colliders. The focus of my current
research is on signatures of new physics with highly boosted W,Z
and Higgs bosons as well as top quarks detected by the Compact Muon Solenoid
(CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Furthermore, I am
interested in the development of jet reconstruction techniques, focusing on
highly boosted W, Z and Higgs bosons, and the optimization of the relevant
components of future detectors.
Searches for new physics
One of the biggest unresolved questions in physics is why there is a
hierarchy of many orders of magnitude between the strength of the forces
described by the Standard Model (electroweak and strong) and the gravitational
force. A unified description of all forces in a common theory must explain this
hierarchy. The data that will be provided to the CMS experiment by the Large
Hadron Collider (LHC) in the following years may finally shed light on this
question. Popular new physics scenarios providing an explanation to this
question are extra spacial dimensions or a composite Higgs boson, exhibiting a
fundamental common signature at the LHC: resonant deformations of the invariant
mass spectra for pair production of highly boosted W, Z and Higgs bosons. In
case no such scenario applies, the break down of the electroweak theory at high
energies equally leads to deformations (but non-resonant in this case) of these
mass spectra. Their measurement at the TeV-scale is thus of highest importance
and at the heart of my
reconstruction techniques
W, Z and Higgs bosons decay predominantly into quarks which transform into
sprays of particles called jets. In high energy proton-proton collisions at the
LHC, the W/Z/H bosons can have such a large momentum that their decay products
merge into a single particle jet. What is usually done to identify the decay
products of the W/Z/H bosons as separate objects no longer works as they are
merged in a single jet. It is therefore important to understand the
substructure of these jets to identify the W/Z/H bosons by what is called
W/Z/H-tagging. Throughout the run time of the LHC and the future collider
HL-LHC, the transverse momenta reached will significantly increase, and at the
same time the number of interactions (called pileup) happening in the same
proton-proton bunch crossing will increase from order of 20 to 200. My focus is to tackle these
two challenges by developing new jet reconstruction techniques and by
optimizing the relevant components of future detectors.
Upgrade of the CMS detector
Planning for
several accelerator and detector upgrades as well as future colliders are going
on in parallel to LHC data taking. In 2025 an upgrade of the LHC to the HL-LHC
is planned to reach a total integrated luminosity of 3000/fb. While this allows
to explore higher energy and lower probability physics processes, it comes with
an additional experimental challenge. On average up to 200 protons, compared to
20 in Run I of the LHC, may collide simultaneously in the detector, thus the
detector needs to be able to distinguish particles from the main interaction
and those from overlapping interactions, so called pileup. To deal with these
new conditions in 2025 upgrades of the CMS tracker, and of the CMS endcap
calorimeter are foreseen, which are of particular interest as they will allow
resolving jet substructure with higher precision.
Coordination responsibilities in CMS
2024-now Schools
committee member
Conference committee contact of the B2G physics group
2021-2023 Searches for Beyond SM particles decaying to Higgs, top and Gauge bosons (B2G) physics group convener
2018-2020 Jet and MET group convener
Jet and MET algorithms and reconstruction group convener
2012-2014 Exotica multijet physics group convener
2010-2012 Physics analysis tools tutorial organizer
and material for the
general public
Physik-Projekt-Tage 2023 Hamburg: Program
Vektorboson-Klee”, Physik Journal Oktober 2022.
Physik-Projekt-Tage 2022 Hamburg: Program
“Two collisions for the price of one”, CMS Physics Briefings 7.06.2022.
“W, Z, and Higgs bosons as portals to exotic physics”, CMS Physics Briefings 13.05.2022.
“How CMS weeds out particles that pile up”, CMS Physics Briefings 12.09.2019.
Physik-Projekt-Tage 2019 Hamburg: Program
“CMS expands scope of dark-matter search in dijet channel”, CERN COURIER 11.08.2017.
Physik-Projekt-Tage 2018 Hamburg: Program
WiSe 2017/2018 Ringvorlesung „Physik im Alltag“: Das größte Mikroskop der Welt: Der Teilchenbeschleuniger LHC Program Video
workshops and schools
02.-05.04.2024, Terascale
Statistics School, 2024, Hamburg
19.-23.02.2024, Terascale Monte Carlo School, 2024, Hamburg
18.-22.03.2024, Introduction to the Terascale School, 2024, Hamburg
12.-13.12.2023, Annual Helmholtz Alliance Workshop
on "Physics at the Terascale", Hamburg
06.-10.11.2023, ML4Jets 2023, Hamburg
09.-18.10.2023, CMS Physics Object & Data
Analysis School (PO&DAS) 2023, Hamburg
25.-27.4.2022, CMS B2G Spring workshop 2023, CERN
15.-19.8.2022, 14th
International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction and
Searches in HEP (BOOST 2022), Hamburg
25.-27.4.2022, CMS B2G Spring workshop 2022, Online
05.-07.11.2020, Physikerinnentagung
2020, Online
19.-24.7.2020, 12th
International Workshop on Boosted Object Phenomenology, Reconstruction and
Searches in HEP (BOOST 2020), Online
15.-17.4.2019, CMS JetMET
workshop 2019, Hamburg
19.-21.9.2018, FSP CMS workshop
2018, Hamburg
Education for physics university students
SoSe 2024 Proseminar Astro/Teilchenphysi (BSc)
WiSe 2023/2024 Proseminar Astro/Teilchenphysik (BSc)
WiSe 2022/2023 Physik V (BSc)
SoSe 2022 Proseminar Astro/Teilchenphysik (BSc)
WiSe 2021/2022 Advanced Particle Physics (MSc)
SoSe 2021 Proseminar Astro/Teilchenphysik (BSc): Vorlesungsverzeichnis
WiSe 2020/2021 Advanced Particle Physics (MSc): Vorlesungsverzeichnis
SoSe 2020 Experiments on Physics Beyond the Standard Model (MSc): Vorlesungsverzeichnis
WiSe 2018/2019 Experiments on Physics Beyond the Standard Model (MSc): Vorlesungsverzeichnis
2018 Summer School Particles, Strings & Cosmology: Program Slides
2017 Summer School Particles, Strings & Cosmology: Program Slides
27.01.2022, "Searches for BSM physics at the LHC", KIT particle
physics colloquium, Karlsruhe, Online
"Searches for BSM physics at the LHC", International Webinar on
Physics, Online video
25.10.2021, "Jet angularities measurement with CMS", LHC-EW WG: Jets
and EW bosons, Online slides
28.07.2021 Andreas Hinzmann, "Searches for Exotica", EPS-HEP2021,
Online slides
02.06.2021 Andreas Hinzmann, "Jet substructure measurements with CMS and
ATLAS", Jets and their substructure from LHC data CERN-TH workshop, Online
26.10.2020, "Jet substructure with CMS", LHC-EW WG: Jets and EW
bosons - Jet substructure mini workshop, Online slides
25.09.2020, "Calibrating the CMS Detector", FSP CMS Workshop 2020,
26.05.2020, "From raw data to published experimental results at the
LHC", RTG Colloquium Physics of the heaviest Particles at the LHC, Aachen
16.9.2019, "The CMS Particle Flow algorithm", CMS Physics Objects
School, Aachen slides
26.3.2019, "Direkte Suchen nach neuer Physik --
Zwischenbilanz LHC Run2", DPG conference, Aachen slides
27.8.2018 Andreas Hinzmann, "Prospects for a measurement of the W boson
mass in the all-jets final state at hadron colliders", QCD@LHC 2018,
Dresden, slides
19.7.2018 Andreas Hinzmann, "Prospects for a measurement of the W boson
mass in the all-jets final state at hadron colliders", BOOST 2018, Paris, slides
29.06.2017, "Detection techniques for boosted jets", VBSCan Kickoff
meeting, Split, Croatia, slides
26.04.2017, "Boosting physics at the LHC", SFB 676 Colloquium, DESY
Hamburg, slides
Journal publications with
significant contributions
CMS Collaboration, “Review of searches for vector-like quarks, vector-like
leptons, and heavy neutral leptons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)
= 13 TeV at the CMS experiment”, Submitted to Physics Reports (2024) arXiv:2405.17605
CMS Collaboration, “Searches for Higgs Boson Production through Decays of Heavy
Resonances”, Submitted to Physics Reports (2024) arXiv:2403.16926
CMS Collaboration, “Observation of same-sign WW production from double parton
scattering in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV”, PRL 131
(2023) 091803, arXiv:2206.02681. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.131.091803
CMS Collaboration, “Search for new heavy resonances decaying to WW, WZ, ZZ, WH,
or ZH boson pairs in the all-jets final state in proton-proton collisions at
sqrt(s) = 13
TeV”, Phys. Lett. B 844 (2023) 137813 arXiv:2210.00043.
B. Nachman et al., “Jets and Jet Substructure at Future Colliders”, Front.
in Phys. 10 (2022) 897719, arXiv:2203.07462.
CMS Collaboration, “Study of quark and gluon jet substructure in Z+jet and
dijet events from pp collisions”, JHEP 01 (2022) 188, arXiv:2109.03340.
I. Zoi, A. Ebrahimi, F. Feindt et al., “Position resolution
with 25m pitch pixel sensors before and after irradiation”, Nucl.
Instrum. Meth. A 1021 (2022) 165933, arXiv:2107.04640.
CMS Collaboration, “Pileup mitigation at CMS in 13 TeV data”, JINST 15
(2020) P09018, arXiv:2003.00503.
CMS Collaboration, “Identification of heavy, energetic, hadronically decaying
particles using machine-learning techniques”, JINST 15 (2020)
P06005, arXiv:2004.08262.
CMS Collaboration, “Search for anomalous triple gauge couplings in WW and WZ
production in lepton + jet events in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV”, JHEP 12
(2019) 062, arXiv:1907.08354.
CMS Collaboration, “A multi-dimensional search for new heavy resonances
decaying to boosted WW, WZ, or ZZ boson pairs in the dijet final state at 13
TeV”, Eur. Phys. J. C 80 (2019) 237, arXiv:1906.05977.
M. Freytsis, P. Harris, A. Hinzmann et al., “Prospects for
a Measurement of the W
Boson Mass in the All-Jets Final State at Hadron Colliders”, JHEP 02
(2019) 003, arXiv:1807.07454.
CMS Collaboration, “Search for a heavy resonance decaying to a top quark and a
vector-like top quark in the lepton+jets final state in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV”, Eur.
Phys. J. C 79 (2019), no. 3, 208, arXiv:1812.06489.
CMS Collaboration, “Search for new physics in dijet angular distributions using
proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=
13 TeV and constraints on dark matter and other models”, Eur. J. Phys. C
78 (2018) 789, arXiv:1803.08030.
R. Kogler et al., “Jet Substructure at the Large Hadron Collider:
Experimental Review”, Rev. Mod. Phys. 91 (2019), 045003, arXiv:1803.06991.
C. F. Anders et al., “Vector boson scattering: Recent experimental
and theory developments”, Rev. Phys. 3 (2018) 44-63, arXiv:1801.04203.
E. Coleman, M. Freytsis, A. Hinzmann et al., “The
importance of calorimetry for highly-boosted jet substructure”, JINST 13
(2017) T01003, arXiv:1709.08705.
CMS Collaboration, “Measurements of jet charge with dijet events in pp
collisions at sqrt(s)=8
TeV”, JHEP 10 (2017) 131, arXiv:1706.05868.
CMS Collaboration, “Combination of searches for heavy resonances decaying to
WW, WZ, ZZ, WH, and ZH boson pairs in proton–proton collisions at sqrt(s)=8 and 13 TeV”, Phys.
Lett. B 774 (2017) 533-558, arXiv:1705.09171.
CMS Collaboration, “Search for massive resonances decaying into WW, WZ, ZZ, qW,
and qZ with dijet final states at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV”, Phys. Rev. D 97
(2018) 072006, arXiv:1708.05379.
CMS Collaboration, “Search for new physics with dijet angular distributions in
proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13
TeV”, JHEP 07 (2017) 013, arXiv:1703.09986.
Public notes with
significant contributions
J. Andersen et al., “Les Houches 2023: Physics at TeV Colliders:
Standard Model Working Group Report”, in Physics of the TeV Scale and Beyond
the Standard Model: Intensifying the Quest for New Physics. 2024. arXiv:2406.00708
CMS Collaboration, “Calibration of
the Jet Mass Scale using boosted W bosons and top quarks”, Technical Report
CMS-DP-2023-044, 2023.
Andreas Hinzmann on behalf of the ATLAS, CMS, LHCb collaborations
Collaboration, “Searches for Exotica”, PoS EPS-HEP2021 (2022)
035. doi:10.22323/1.398.0035.
F. Maltoni et al., “TF07 Snowmass Report: Theory of Collider
Phenomena”, arXiv:2210.02591,
CMS Collaboration,
“Pileup-per-particle identification: optimisation for Run 2 Legacy and beyond”,
Technical Report CMS-DP-2021-001, 2021.
CMS Collaboration, “Pixel Charge
Profiles in Run-2 Data and Simulation”, Technical Report CMS-DP-2020-026,
CMS Collaboration, “Phase-I Pixel
ROC Thresholds and DC-DC Converter Characterization in 2018”, Technical
Report CMS-DP-2020-005, 2020.
CMS Collaboration, “Identification
of highly Lorentz-boosted heavy particles using graph neural networks and new
mass decorrelation techniques”, Technical Report CMS-DP-2020-002, 2020.
CMS Collaboration, “Tracker
Performance in 2017 Legacy processing”, Technical Report CMS-DP-2019-027,
CMS Collaboration, “The Phase-2
Upgrade of the CMS Endcap Calorimeter”, Technical Report
CERN-LHCC-2017-023. CMS-TDR-019, 2017.
CMS Collaboration, “The Phase-2
Upgrade of the CMS Tracker”, Technical Report CERN-LHCC-2017-009.
CMS-TDR-014, 2017.
CMS Collaboration, “Jet algorithms
performance in 13 TeV data”, Technical Report CMS-PAS-JME-16-003, 2017.
J. Muecke, “Jet performance of CMS to measure dijet angular distributions
in LHC Run3”, (2024). Bachelor thesis.
S. Albrecht, “Measurement of jet mass distributions of hadronic W bosons”,
(2023). PhD thesis.
R. Schmelcher,
“Search for multiple boosted resonances with the CMS experiment and feature
selection with distance correlation”, (2023). Bachelor thesis.
E. Wendrich, “Combination of diboson resonance searches with CMS Run2
data”, (2023). Master thesis.
I. Zoi, “Search for diboson resonances in the all jets final state with
CMS at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV and pixel sensors development for HL-LHC”, (2021). PhD
A. Benecke, “Searches for new heavy bosons and vector-like quarks with the
CMS experiment at sqrt(s) = 13TeV and novel pileup mitigation techniques”,
(2020). PhD thesis.
J. Zeyn, “Jet substructure modelling in dijet and Z+jet events”, (2020). Master
J. Loemker, “Search for anomalous gauge couplings in vector boson
scattering”, (2020). Bachelor thesis.
S. Albrecht, “Search for new physics in vector boson scattering with the
CMS experiment in the all-jets final state”, (2018). Master
D. Leppla-Weber, “Search for excited quark states decaying to qW/qZ with
the CMS experiment”, (2019). Bachelor thesis.
H. Shaker, “Measurement of dijet angular distribution with CMS”, (2019).
Bachelor thesis.
M. Czimmeck, “Suche nach einer Z’ Resonanz mit dem CMS Experiment”,
(2019). Bachelor thesis.
Professional employment and academic education
2023-now DESY Staff Scientist
2017-2023 Emmy-Noether Research Group leader at University of Hamburg (UHH)
Postdoctoral Assistant at University of Zurich (UZH)
2011-2013 CERN Research Fellow
2008-2011 PhD in Physics at RWTH Aachen University
2002-2008 Diplom in Physics