Dr. Jenny List

Notkestr. 85
D-22607 Hamburg

Phone: +49 40 8998 3681

Email: Jenny.List@desy.de

Curriculum Vitae and Selected Publications

Within the FTX group at DESY I'm leading the topical group Science with Lepton Beams with currently one senior scientist, four postdocs, seven PhD and two master students. We study

Current Projects and Activities

Recently, I have been appointed as one of the conveners of WG1 ``Physics Potential'' of the ECFA study on Physics, Experiments and Detectors at a future e+e- Higgs/Top/EW factory.
I'm actively involved in the ILC International Development Team: In particular I'm deputy chair of its WG3 on Physics and Detectors, and I represent the ILD detector concept in its WG2 on the accelerator.
I'm an elected member of the Executive Team of the ILD Detector Concept Group.
Within the LUXE collaboration, I contribute to the cherenkov detector and the analysis strategy and I'm the chair of the speakers' committee.
Since 2020, I participate in the LEAP project, aiming to demonstrate the creation of a polarised electron beam from laser-driven plasma wakefield acceleration.
Since 2018, I'm a key researcher in the Cluster of Excellence "Quantum Universe", contribution to the area of Higgs physics as well as to its platform for future facilities.

Past Projects

From 2006 til 2018 I was PI in the Collaborative Research Center "Particles, Strings and the Early Universe - the Structure of Matter and Space-Time," leading the subproject Physics Beyond the Standard Model at ILC.
From 2006 til 2011, I lead the Emmy-Noether Young Investigator Group:
Compton Polarimetry and Search for Dark Matter at the International Linear Collider

Lehre / Teaching

Talks and Presentations

ILC Physics, ILC in general and Physics at Future Colliders

ILC Polarimetry, LEAP and LUXE

HERA Physics

HERA Polarimetry


Ph.D. thesis:
"Suche nach assoziierter Produktion von Higgs- und Z0-Bosonen mit Zerfall in Quarks oder Gluonen am OPAL-Experiment"
("Search for associated production of Higgs and Z0 bosons with decay to quarks or gluons at the OPAL experiment")

Diploma thesis:
" Nachweis von J/psi-Mesonen in inelastischen Prozessen bei HERA"
("Detection of J/psi mesons in inelastic processes at HERA")

Personal Stuff

For my vacations I prefer the Ferienhaus Finkennest in Hohwacht an der Ostsee.

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