Manual Setup


Cheetah is installed on the LCLS servers.  This means it should be possible to get started without having to download or  compile anything.

First complete the experiment setup instructions below (if not already done).

Then, to use the centrally installed version of Cheetah execute the setup script

    > source /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/setup.csh

from your C shell (bash version also available)

[psanacs055:barty]~> source /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/setup.csh

Setting up Cheetah

Using /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/cheetah-latest


Once executed, the Cheetah GUI can be started using the command

> cheetah-gui

[psanacs055:barty]~> cheetah-gui

IDL Version 8.0 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2010, ITT Visual Information Solutions

This starts the Cheetah GUI interface (which runs using the IDL virtual machine in runtime mode).

Instructions on how to set up Cheetah for your experiment are contained below.  Make sure you (or someone else) has first followed these instructions or some random error will occur. 

Any machine with access to your data in /reg/d/psdm/{experiment} can be used to browse data.

It is necessary to have access to both the data directories and the ‘bsub’ batch queue commands in order to run cheetah and submit batch jobs.

It is best to run from one of the psana nodes (as these have faster data access). 

Running on psexport also works (all calculations are sent to the batch queue, so this should not overload the one server, but file access can be a bit slower).

Central installation files are located in the directory /reg/g/cfel/cheetah

Pre-installed Cheetah at LCLS


Automatic experiment setup



The LCLS file system layout is very predictable, enabling a significant amount of the experiment configuration process to be automated.

1. Create a working directory in the experiment scratch space

At CXI, all data for your experiment will usually be in a location such as


(Of course your experiment number will be different)

In this directory will be subdirectories with the raw data (xtc/), somewhere to write temporary files (scratch/), and a few other directories that don’t matter for now.

    [psexport02] cxi12345 > ls

    calib  ftc  hdf5  res  scratch  usr  xtc

Create yourself a working directory inside this scratch space.

2. Start the GUI and follow the ‘new experiment’ option

[psanacs055:barty]~> cheetah-gui

IDL Version 8.0 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2010, ITT Visual Information Solutions

You will be presented with an experiment selection dialog box.  Select the option option ‘Set up new experiment’.

Navigate to your working directory using the file selection dialog box and select ‘OK’

Verify that the detected parameters are correct and press ‘OK’

A script will set up your experiment using the same manual setup operations described below, using the detected parameters to modify files accordingly.

3. Check that it works

You should be ready to go. 

The following quick tests will verify whether everything has been properly set up:

  1. 1)Start the crawler.  New XTC files should be detected.  Check for complaints.  Remember maybe only one run exists.

    (Step 4 below)

  1. 2)Run “darkcal.ini” on the first run.  This should work, automatically sending jobs to the batch queue.

    (Step 5 below)

Note:  CXI sometimes swaps detectors around.  This can change detector names in the XTC file.  When this happens it is necessary to swap detector names in the psana.cfg file.  Check with your point of contact or other analysis guru as to which detector is where, and look at the FAQ page for how to fix this if errors occur. 


What lies below are the old instructions for manual configuration.  Auto-setup attempts to do this automatically.

If auto-setup does not work or you want to do something a little different (such as draw data from the fast feedback file system), it is necessary to manually edit a few files to tell Cheetah about the location and format of data files, detector calibration, and what analysis to perform.  

First, know the location of your data and where temporary files can be written.

At CXI, all data for your experiment will usually be in a location such as


In this directory will be subdirectories with the raw data (xtc/), somewhere to write temporary files (scratch/), and a few other directories that don’t matter for now.

    [psexport02] cxi12345 > ls

    calib  ftc  hdf5  res  scratch  usr  xtc

1. Download the template

Expand the file /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/template.tar into the location where you want files to be placed:

> tar -xvf /reg/g/cfel/cheetah/template.tar

This will create the cheetah directory with a number of sub-directories containing a ‘starter kit’ of files:

> ls cheetah

calib  gui  hdf5  process

2. edit gui/crawler.config

Edit the file cheetah/gui/crawler.config

xtcdir should point to the location of your XTC files

hdf5dir should point to where you want the Cheetah output to go.  By default let this be the cheetah/hdf5 directory expanded by the template (but it can be elsewhere).

The rest can be left alone for now.

3. edit process/process

Edit the file cheetah/process/process

This script is a front-end to making Cheetah run, enabling data to be processed from the command line by simply typing the one-line command

    > ./process <Run#> <cheetah.ini> <tag>

This is the command executed by the ‘Run Cheetah’ button on the front of the GUI.

It should only be necessary to edit the experiment name. The rest should should not need modification, but should be self-explanatory if changes need to be made (for example configuration files in ${expt}/res instead of ${expt}/scratch).

The last three lines are various options for calling the hitfinder script using either (i) the SLAC batch queue, (ii) the SLAC batch queue with a separate job for each XTC stream, or (iii) output to the terminal.  Probably no need to change these (ii adds some speed at the expense of complexity, while option iii is useful for debugging if things go really wrong)

Actual details of the job submission process are hidden in the script hitfinder.  Probably no need to to touch the hitfinder script at all unless there are problems with how jobs are submitted to the batch queue (search for lines containing ‘bsub’).

New users must first Set up the Slac analysis environment

Cheetah at SLAC runs inside the SLAC psana analysis framework.

Make sure to follow these instructions to set up your analysis environment. It should only be necessary to do this once, and a range of confusing errors will result if this is not done.