Getting Start(l)ed

Interview with D.E. Knuth
Hear why CWEB gives an order of magnitude improvement in programmer productivity - in an interview by Computer Literacy Bookshops.
Why I must write readable programs
A philosophical warm-up for non-believers
What the heck is this "WEB" thing?
A tidbit of technical information on the WEB environment.
WEB Programming
A brief, tutorial introduction to WEB programming (PostScript).
Philonous and Malevolent
A socratic dialogue on Literate Programming
Application [PostScript]
"A Methodology for the Design and Implementation of Efficient Algorithms for Scalable Parallel Architectures", by K.M. Decker (CSCS TechReport)
You may now turn to look at some real examples of Literate Programming, and the corresponding tools. There are Books by D.E. Knuth on the topic which you may get through the Campus Bookstore of the GNA Virtual Library.

Local Info: Getting started with NOWEB at DESY

Marcus Speh