Elegant files for FLASH 2010, 1.2GeV AND WITH ACC39 (E. Prat, July 2010) "FLASH.ele": elegant file "FLASH_2010_1200MeV.lte": lattice file "lite_med_FEL.sdds", "lite_sharp_FEL.sdds", "med_med_FEL.sdds", "med_sharp_FEL.sdds": quadrupole files corresponding to the different optic options in FEL mode "lite_BYP.sdds", "med_BYP.sdds": quadrupole value files corresponding to the different optic options in BYPASS mode The quadrupole values in the lattice file are the same as in the file "med_med_FEL.sdds" (default option) For BYPASS mode the user has to change in the elegant file "use_beamline = FLASH" by "use_beamline = FLASH_BYP" Changes: "FLASH_2010_1200MeV.lte" changed to "FLASH_2012_1200MeV.lte" (W. Decking, Jan 2012)