---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: Z2 Title: Quantum mechanics on a discrete time lattice DESY group: Zeuthen Particle Physics Theory Type: Online project Duration: 19th July - 10th Sep 2021 Description: In the project, an introduction to the Feynman’s pathintegral approach to quantum mechanics will be obtained. In particular, the harmonic oscillator should be worked out on a discrete time lattice. After a rotation to Euclidean time, the system shall be investigated through a Monte Carlo simulation. Therefore, in the project the pathintegral formulation, the lattice discretization, Monte Carlo simulations and error analysis will be learned. The project will follow closely the article by Creutz and Freedman https://www.zeuthen.desy.de/~kjansen/lattice/qcd/miscellaneous/CreutzFreedman.pdf Special Qualifications expected: basic knowledge in quantum mechanics, mastering of a programming language, e.g. Python, Julia, C, matlab ...