---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: B16s Title: Physics validation in the Key4HEP common software framework for future colliders DESY group: FTX Type: Tandem: On-site part Duration: 6 - 7 weeks, 27th july - 10th sep 2021 Description: The FTX Software (SFT) group is very actively involved in the Key4HEP project, which aims to develop common software for future collider projects. The group is currently involved in the development of a new and common event data model (EDM) at the core of the common software stack. An important aspect of these efforts is the physics validation and testing of this EDM and the whole software stack. The project would entail the development and implementation of test and benchmark cases for the EDM and the Key4HEP software stack. Depending on the interests of the students these efforts would focus on investigating potentially interesting physics channels and/or in developing the necessary validation tools. While the former part can be done remotely, the latter part could greatly benefit from on-site supervision. In the end the two students would collaborate among each other as well as with the Key4HEP community to integrate their resulting work into the project. Special Qualifications expected: Programming knowledge in either C++ or python is essential. Ideally first experiences with ROOT and/or python statistics libraries (scipy, numpy, pandas, ...), but not strictly necessary. Basic statistics and particle physics knowledge. Link to further information: - https://indico.cern.ch/event/934666/contributions/4154229/attachments/2168411/3660367/key4hep_epiphany2021_cracow.pdf Cancellation policy: This on-site part of the project may be cancelled any time due to COVID pandemic restrictions. It will not be transformed into an online project. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------