---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: B10 Title: POWHEG and PartonBranching TransverseMomentumDependent parton densities DESY group: CMS Type: Online project Duration: 19th july - 10th sep 2021 Description: We will study the NLO Monte Carlo event generator POWHEG and merge the NLO calcuation with transverse momentum dependent (TMD) parton distriubtions and the TMD parton shower. We will compare these new calcualtions with recent measurements obtained at the LHC. Special Qualifications expected: - Learn about the principles of MC event generators and the physics behind. - Learn how to extract information from MC event generators - Basisc knowledge in computing, (Linux, C++) is of advantage, but we will give also an introduction so that everybody can contribute. Link to further information: https://www.desy.de/~jung ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------