---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: A2 Title: Processing serial crystallography data measured at FELs and synchrotrons DESY group: FS-CFEL-1 (Coherent Imaging Group) Type: Remote project Duration: 19th july - 10th sep 2021 Description: Our group (group leader H.N.Chapman) is one of the inventors of Serial Crystallography (SX) – the method when many protein crystals are measured in random orientations to get the full 3D structure of the protein. This technique was developed for Free Electron Lasers (FELs) but now is becoming a standard technique used at modern synchrotrons. Having a lot of experience and expertise in SX our group is involved in many experiments at the most advanced x-ray sources in the world (LCLS, eXFEL, Petra3, APS, ESRF). Each experiment produces 50-1000Tb of data and we are involved in 1-3 experiments per month. Therefore we have a lot of interesting data to process. And the result of such experiment is usually published in a high impact factor journal. The summer student has a chance to participate in some experiments (most probably remotely) – depending on the schedule of the beamtimes during summer. If the student likes the data processing activity, the scientific collaboration can be extended outside the time frame of the summer school and become more permanent. Special Qualifications expected: Some knowledge in protein crystallography, python and using Linux will be useful. Link to further information: https://cid.cfel.de/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------