---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project: A11 Title: Structure and dynamics of biomimetic lipid membranes: A new hydration chamber for lipid membranes - calibration and proof of principle DESY group: FS-PETRA-D (PETRA Diffraction and Scattering) Type: On-site project Duration: 19th july - 29th august 2021 Description: The project belongs to the field of surfaces and interfaces in soft matter, with a focus on the structure and dynamics of biomimetic lipid membranes. This project extends over six-weeks, including both hands-on and data analysis experimental work. Preferentially, it shall be conducted on site at Hamburg DESY campus. The student will join into our efforts to develop a hydration chamber for oriented lipid membranes for X-ray experiments. Specifically, the chamber will be calibrated and tested in an initial swelling experiment with a laboratory X-ray diffractometer. In parallel, the student will be trained in data analysis by working on datasets from a previous X-ray experiment such as to get familiar with the structural studies on lipid systems. Eventually, the student will join an X-ray experiment at beamline P08 using the new chamber and analyze the obtained data. The student will be co-supervised by Dr. Shen from DESY and Prof. Klösgen from the University of Southern Denmark. Special Qualifications expected: - bachelor of sciences in physics; - previous participation in X-ray experiment advantageous, but not demanded Link to further information: https://www.desy.de/f/students/2021/projects/A11.pdf Cancellation Policy: This project may be cancelled any time due to CoViD pandemic restrictions. It can not be transformed into an online project. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------