From Wed Jan 21 11:56:47 2004 Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 16:08:09 +0100 (MET) From: Norbert Meyners To:,, Subject: Short TPOL manual Dear friends! I wrote down my notes about the tpol control. Regards Norbert ---------------------------------------------- Norbert Meyners DESY/MEA1 Phone: +49-40/8998-3321 Notkestrasse 85 Fax: +49-40/8998-3438 D-22603 Hamburg Sec: +49-40/8998-3327 ---------------------------------------------- "Woran arbeiten Sie?" wurde Herr K. gefragt. Herr K. antwortete: "Ich habe viel Muehe, ich bereite meinen naechsten Irrtum vor." (Bertolt Brecht) ----------------------------------------------- TPOL Short Manual ================= There are two ways to control the transverse polarimeter: - The java based - The socalled terminal expert session Most of possible problems can be fixed with the java based control and one anyhow would start it to see the history etc.. The JAVA Window --------------- You can download the program from the "pctpol03" computer via the internet useing the adress: '' and then you start it on your computer with the command 'java -jar TpolMonitor.jar'. (If you want to operated the monitor program from home see the explanation below.) It starts as a monitor seesion. Run Control Session ------------------- To get the run control and all the other grey frames you first enable the expert mode. # [Expert]==>[Enable experts menus] # [Frames]==>[RunControl] ==> New Frame 'TPOL run control' # Choose the <> Control ==> New Frame 'Take run control session' # Fill frame (Control Password .......................) Press 'Acept' ==> Now several commands behind the buttons are accessible. Remarks: There is only one run control session. So if you take it somebody else may loss it. In the upper left corner of the start frame you find the informations of the 'Take run control session' frame, if one is open. The pilot does not need such a session. If no control session is open you will find there "AUTOPILOT". (Ignore the red underlayed "Control not runing" in the frame "Programs".) Expert Control Session ---------------------- # Choose the <> Expert ==> New Frame 'Connect new expert session' # Fill frame (EXPERT Password .......................) Press 'Acept' ==> Now ALL commands behind the buttons are accessible. Remarks: There are several experts session possible at the same time. The main reason to choose a expert session is, that the monitor session does not work from home and a control session may steal it from somebody. Login from home --------------- To run the java program from home one uses the socalled tunneling while being logged in to an open desy machine. By this the local computer works as the data server for the java program. That's why the TpolProperties.txt file has to contain the line: tpol.TpolApplication.server=localhost The port Stefan had chosen is 4443. For linux users the login should look like this: ssh -l username -C -L ('-C' switches on the data compression.) For MS windows user the freeware 'putty' could be used, which then has to be started with the command: putty -L -ssh -l username After login one can start the TpolMonitor.jar program, but one needs an expert or run control session to receive data. Terminal Expert Session ----------------------- (Text version of the control program) # Logon to pctpol03 as pol2000 (pol2000 password.....................) # 'cd daq/linux' # ('export TERM=vt100' might be necessary) # 'session' Remarks: All background programs that should run for the TPOL are in this directory and begin with "start".... Check in the java window or in the text window. NAMES ARE NOT THE SAME!! The normal daq and the silicon/scifi daq are independent programs. Program Window -------------- example: mfcc is started with startdaq To control motors etc. the text window is recommended: #6: Expert commands Warning: For referenz moves use positive end switch for all motors, except the prims. For the prims use negative end switch. The java expert mode is okay. (NO referenz moves for mirrors!) DAQ status is not documented and so it is dangerous. Mistyping is is dangerous too. Do not use [backspace] use C The may reason to use the terminal expert session is the laser control (mainly from the laser room terminal please) and the restart of the daq (startdaq and startsi). Trouble Shooting ---------------- DAQ down: - Open a terminal expert session; - "startdaq" - ("startsi"; if the fiber buttons are red/yellow/..) If the pilot got stuck: - Open a Run Control Session - Set Pilot control to [lowlevel] - Choose [Stop transion] for all dark colored buttons Example: Nov.28;2003; Norbert Meyners no TPOL values in the Java window: * First thought daq problem ==>terminal expert session opened It took me some time to see in the terminal expert session that I 've got background values. (With a sharpened eye I notice that the graphs in the java display were updating and the on and off rate were overlayed.) * Laser seemed to be okay. * Pilot action [start mirror scan] (DARK BLUE) * Mirror 3H ~[start scan] (DARK BLUE) Conclusion: Pilot got stuck at the begining of a beam scan; laser beam does not meet lepton beam i.e. no comptons, no polarization values. - Pilot control set to [disable autopilot] ([low level autopilot] would have been sufficent!]) - Pilot action set to [stop transion] - Mirror 3H set to [stop transion] - Pilot control set to [enable full autopilot] - Waited After some minutes every thing was fine again. How to restart KDE? or "KDE" Weekly Plots ------------ Vahag wrote a script/program "getp" to create plots. Logon to 'pctpol03' as 'pol2000' (pol2000 password:.....................) USAGE: getp start_time stop_time use numeric date format: day-month[/hour:minute] e.g. 23-10 or 23-10/21:56 (If you type "getp" you will get the information above.) The plots are stored in /home/pol2000/offline/. Specific HERMES things ---------------------- At HERMES the TpolMonitor.jar is located on the computer 'lxher4'; username:'onl'; Password: ..................... (The shift should know.) Just type 'tpolstart'. The lpol monitor '' can be found for all lxher machines in the directory: '/hsoft/SLOW/pinks/bin'