Günter Grindhammer

Senior Physicist

Max-Planck-Institut für Physik
München, Germany

E-mail address   guenterg at desy.de

Telephone        +49-40-8998-2590
Fax              +49-40-8998-3093

Location         DESY (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron)
                 Building 01c, room EG.313
Postal address   DESY (MPIM)
                 Notkestrasse 85
                 D - 22603 Hamburg
Member of the H1 Collaboration at DESY

Retired, but still some activities and interests in
probing QCD in hadronic final states in deep-inelastic scattering.

Main past activities:
- Inclusive jets, dijets and trijets
- The strong coupling parameter and PDFs
- Parton dynamics at low x

- Monte Carlo event generators for HERA,
- neural nets for hadronic final states and jet energy scales,
- fast simulation of electromagnetic showers in calorimeters.

Students interested in physics analysis using H1 data are welcome to directly contact the H1 spokesperson.

Last update: Jan-2020