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00007 #ifndef __HVISITORS_H
00008 #define __HVISITORS_H
00010 #include "jbltools/sfh/HVisitor.h"
00012 //root
00013 #include <TObject.h>
00014 #include <TH1.h>
00015 #include <TF1.h>
00016 #include <TLine.h>
00018 #include <iostream>
00019 #include <cassert>
00021 class TPad;
00022 class TF1;
00023 class TVirtualPS;
00029 class Writer: public ConstHVisitor {
00030   public: 
00032     virtual void visit (RegO& h) const {
00033       if (TObject *to = dynamic_cast<TObject *>(&h)) to->Write();
00034     };
00035 };
00042 class Normalizer: public ConstHVisitor {
00043   public: 
00045     Normalizer (Double_t c_ = 1,              
00046                 bool includeOverflow_ = true  
00047                 )
00048     : c (c_), includeOverflow(includeOverflow_) {}
00050     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00051                        ) const {
00052       if (TH1 *th1 = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(&h)) {
00053         Double_t scale = th1->GetSumOfWeights();
00054         if (includeOverflow) {
00055           int maxbin = 1;
00056           assert (th1->GetDimension() == 1); // not yet implemented for 2D and 3D
00057           maxbin = th1->GetNbinsX()+1;
00058           scale += th1->GetBinContent(0)+
00059                    th1->GetBinContent(maxbin);
00060         }
00061         if (scale > 0.) th1->Scale (c/scale);
00062       }
00063     };
00064   private:
00065     Double_t c;                 
00066     bool  includeOverflow;      
00067 };
00075 class BinWidthNormalizer: public ConstHVisitor {
00076   public: 
00078     BinWidthNormalizer (Double_t width_ = 1  
00079                        )
00080     : width (width_) {}
00082     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00083                        ) const {
00084       if (TH1 *th1 = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(&h)) {
00085         for (int i = 1; i <= th1->GetNbinsX(); ++i) {
00086           Double_t c = width/th1->GetBinWidth(i);
00087           th1->SetBinContent (i, c*th1->GetBinContent (i)); 
00088           th1->SetBinError (i, c*th1->GetBinError (i)); 
00089         }
00090       }
00091     };
00092   private:
00093     Double_t width;                    
00094 };
00101 class AttMarkerSetter: public ConstHVisitor {
00102   public: 
00104     AttMarkerSetter (Color_t tcolor_ = -1,    
00105                      Size_t msize_ = -1,      
00106                      Style_t mstyle_ = -1     
00107                      )
00108     : tcolor (tcolor_), msize (msize_), mstyle (mstyle_)
00109     {}
00110     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00111                        ) const {
00112       if (TAttMarker *tam = dynamic_cast<TAttMarker *>(&h)) {
00113         if (tcolor >= 0) tam->SetMarkerColor (tcolor);
00114         if (msize  >= 0) tam->SetMarkerSize  (msize);
00115         if (mstyle >= 0) tam->SetMarkerStyle (mstyle);
00116       }
00117     }
00118   private:
00119     Color_t tcolor;       
00120     Size_t  msize;        
00121     Style_t mstyle;       
00122 };
00130 class AttLineSetter: public ConstHVisitor {
00131   public: 
00133     AttLineSetter (Color_t lcolor_ = -1,   
00134                    Style_t lstyle_ = -1,   
00135                    Width_t lwidth_ = -1    
00136                    )
00137     : lcolor (lcolor_), lstyle (lstyle_), lwidth (lwidth_)
00138     {}
00140     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00141                        ) const {
00142       if (TAttLine *tal = dynamic_cast<TAttLine *>(&h)) {
00143         if (lcolor >= 0) tal->SetLineColor (lcolor);
00144         if (lstyle >= 0) tal->SetLineStyle (lstyle);
00145         if (lwidth >= 0) tal->SetLineWidth (lwidth);
00146       }
00147     }
00148     virtual void visit (TLine& h     
00149                        ) const {
00150       if (TAttLine *tal = dynamic_cast<TAttLine *>(&h)) {
00151         if (lcolor >= 0) tal->SetLineColor (lcolor);
00152         if (lstyle >= 0) tal->SetLineStyle (lstyle);
00153         if (lwidth >= 0) tal->SetLineWidth (lwidth);
00154       }
00155     }
00156   private:
00157     Color_t lcolor;       
00158     Style_t lstyle;       
00159     Width_t lwidth;       
00160 };
00168 class AttFillSetter: public ConstHVisitor {
00169   public: 
00171     AttFillSetter (Color_t fcolor_ = -1,    
00172                    Style_t fstyle_ = -1     
00173                    )
00174     : fcolor (fcolor_), fstyle (fstyle_)
00175     {}
00177     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00178                        ) const {
00179       if (TAttFill *taf = dynamic_cast<TAttFill *>(&h)) {
00180         if (fcolor >= 0) taf->SetFillColor (fcolor);
00181         if (fstyle >= 0) taf->SetFillStyle (fstyle);
00182       }
00183     }
00184   private:
00185     Color_t fcolor;       
00186     Style_t fstyle;       
00187 };
00190 class ErrorEraser: public ConstHVisitor {
00191   public: 
00193     ErrorEraser (){}
00195     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00196                        ) const {
00197       if (TH1 *th1 = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(&h)) {
00198         for (int i = 0; i <= th1->GetNbinsX()+1; ++i) {
00199           th1->SetBinError (i, 0.0);
00200         }
00201       }
00202     }
00203 };
00206 class MinMaxSetter: public ConstHVisitor {
00207   public: 
00208     MinMaxSetter (Double_t min_,     
00209                   Double_t max_      
00210                   )
00211     : min (min_), max (max_)
00212     {}
00214     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00215                        ) const {
00216       if (TH1 *th1 = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(&h)) {
00217         th1->SetMinimum (min);
00218         th1->SetMaximum (max);
00219       }
00220     }
00221   private:
00222     Double_t min;         
00223     Double_t max;         
00224 };
00230 class AxisTitleAttribSetter: public ConstHVisitor {
00231   public: 
00233      AxisTitleAttribSetter(int         axis_,           
00234                            const char *name_   = 0,     
00235                            Double_t    size_   = -1,    
00236                            Double_t    offset_ = -999., 
00237                            Color_t     lcolor_ = -1,    
00238                            Style_t     font_   = -1)    
00239     : axis   (axis_),
00240       name   (0), 
00241       size   (size_), 
00242       offset (offset_), 
00243       lcolor (lcolor_),
00244       font   (font_)
00245     {
00246       if (name_) {
00247         name = new char [strlen (name_)+1];
00248         strcpy (name, name_); 
00249       }
00250     }
00253     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00254                        ) const {
00255       if (TH1 *th1 = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(&h)) {
00256         TAxis *ax = 0;
00257         switch (axis) {
00258           case 1: ax = th1->GetXaxis(); break;
00259           case 2: ax = th1->GetYaxis(); break;
00260           case 3: ax = th1->GetZaxis(); break;
00261         }
00262         if (ax == 0) return;
00264         if (name)           ax->SetTitle       (name);
00265         if (size > 0)       ax->SetTitleSize   (size);
00266         if (offset !=-999.) ax->SetTitleOffset (offset);
00267         if (lcolor > -1)    ax->SetTitleColor  (lcolor);
00268         if (font > -1)      ax->SetTitleFont   (font);
00269       }
00270     }
00272     ~AxisTitleAttribSetter() {
00273       delete[] name;
00274       name = 0;
00275     }
00276   private:
00277     int      axis;       
00278     char    *name;       
00279     Double_t size;       
00280     Double_t offset;     
00281     Color_t  lcolor;     
00282     Style_t  font;       
00285     AxisTitleAttribSetter (const AxisTitleAttribSetter& source);
00287     AxisTitleAttribSetter& operator= (const AxisTitleAttribSetter& source);
00288 };
00294 class AxisLabelAttribSetter: public ConstHVisitor {
00295   public: 
00297      AxisLabelAttribSetter(int         axis_,        
00298                            Double_t    size_,        
00299                            Color_t     lcolor_ = -1, 
00300                            Style_t     font_   = -1, 
00301                            Int_t       ndiv_   = -1) 
00302     : axis   (axis_),
00303       size   (size_), 
00304       lcolor (lcolor_),
00305       font   (font_),
00306       ndiv   (ndiv_)
00307     {}
00310     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00311                        ) const {
00312       if (TH1 *th1 = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(&h)) {
00313         TAxis *ax = 0;
00314         switch (axis) {
00315           case 1: ax = th1->GetXaxis(); break;
00316           case 2: ax = th1->GetYaxis(); break;
00317           case 3: ax = th1->GetZaxis(); break;
00318         }
00319         if (ax == 0) return;
00321         if (size > 0)    ax->SetLabelSize  (size);
00322         if (lcolor > -1) ax->SetLabelColor (lcolor);
00323         if (font > -1)   ax->SetLabelFont  (font);
00324         if (ndiv > -1)   ax->SetNdivisions (ndiv);
00325       }
00326     }
00328     ~AxisLabelAttribSetter() {}
00329   private:
00330     int      axis;       
00331     Double_t size;       
00332     Color_t  lcolor;     
00333     Style_t  font;       
00334     Int_t    ndiv;       
00337     AxisLabelAttribSetter (const AxisLabelAttribSetter& source);
00339     AxisLabelAttribSetter& operator= (const AxisLabelAttribSetter& source);
00340 };
00345 static AttLineSetter blackline (1);
00350 static AttLineSetter redline (2);
00355 static AttLineSetter greenline (3);
00360 static AttLineSetter blueline (4);
00365 static AttLineSetter yellowline (5);
00370 static AttLineSetter magentaline (6);
00375 static AttLineSetter cyanline (7);
00377 static AttFillSetter blackfill (1);
00378 static AttFillSetter redfill (2);
00379 static AttFillSetter greenfill (3);
00380 static AttFillSetter bluefill (4);
00381 static AttFillSetter yellowfill (5);
00382 static AttFillSetter magentafill (6);
00383 static AttFillSetter cyanfill (7);
00385 static AttFillSetter hollowfill (-1, 0);
00386 static AttFillSetter solidfill (-1, 1001);
00388 static AttMarkerSetter blackmarker (1);
00389 static AttMarkerSetter redmarker (2);
00390 static AttMarkerSetter greenmarker (3);
00391 static AttMarkerSetter bluemarker (4);
00392 static AttMarkerSetter yellowmarker (5);
00393 static AttMarkerSetter magentamarker (6);
00394 static AttMarkerSetter cyanmarker (7);
00397 class AxisSetter: public ConstHVisitor {
00398   public: 
00400     AxisSetter (Int_t n_, const Float_t *x_)
00401     : n (n_), x (x_)
00402     {}
00404     virtual void visit (RegO& h     
00405                        ) const {
00406       if (TH1 *th1 = dynamic_cast<TH1 *>(&h)) {
00407         TAxis *axis = th1->GetXaxis();
00408         if (axis) axis->Set (n, x);
00409       }
00410     }
00411   private:
00412     Int_t n;
00413     const Float_t *x;
00414 };
00417 #endif  /* #ifndef __HVISITORS_H */

Generated on Thu Oct 26 12:52:57 2006 for SFH by doxygen 1.3.2