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00002 // Class WWFitter
00003 //
00004 // Author: Jenny Boehme
00005 // Last update: $Date: 2005/01/12 10:11:46 $
00006 //          by: $Author: blist $
00007 // 
00008 // Description: kinematic fit a la WWFGO
00009 // DISCLAIMER: the only object oriented stuff in here is the
00010 //             interface to fit objects (jets, neutrinos,....)
00011 //             and constraints (px, py, M_W, ....)
00012 //             which replaces the calls to WWKCNS.
00013 //             The WWFitter::fit() method is almost an
00014 //             'F to C' translation of WWFGO. It is NOT
00015 //             considered to be good C++, but was done
00016 //             on purpose as a first implementation.
00017 //             An OO version might follow later!     
00018 //
00019 // Changed 6.12.04 B. List: Added additional term in the definition
00020 //             of S to make S nonsingular also in the case when
00021 //             some constraint depends only on unmeasured quantities.
00022 //               
00025 #include<iostream>
00026 #include<cmath>
00027 #include<cassert>
00029 #include "jbltools/kinfit/WWFitter.h" 
00031 #include "jbltools/kinfit/BaseFitObject.h"
00032 #include "jbltools/kinfit/BaseConstraint.h"
00033 #include "jbltools/kinfit/ftypes.h"
00034 #include "jbltools/kinfit/cernlib.h"
00036 using std::cout;
00037 using std::cerr;
00038 using std::endl;
00039 using std::abs;
00041 static int debug = 0;
00043 // constructor
00044 WWFitter::WWFitter() : npar(0), nmea(0), nunm(0), ncon(0), ierr (0), nit (0)  {};
00046 // destructor
00047 WWFitter::~WWFitter() {};
00049 // do it (~ transcription of WWFGO as of ww113)
00050 double WWFitter::fit() {
00052   // cout statements
00053   int inverr = 0;
00055   // order parameters etc
00056   initialize();
00058   // initialize eta, etasv, y 
00059   FDouble eta[NPARMAX];
00060   FDouble etasv[NPARMAX];
00061   FDouble y[NPARMAX];           
00063   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fitobjects.size(); ++i) {
00064     for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobjects[i]->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
00065       int iglobal = fitobjects[i]->getGlobalParNum (ilocal);
00066       if (iglobal >= 0) {
00067         assert (iglobal >= 0 && iglobal < NPARMAX);
00068         y[iglobal] = eta[iglobal] = fitobjects[i]->getParam(ilocal);
00069       }
00070       //if (debug) cout << "eta[" << iglobal << "] = " << eta[iglobal] 
00071       //                << " for jet " << i << " and ilocal = " << ilocal << endl;
00072     }
00073   }
00075   assert (ncon <= NCONMAX);
00077   FDouble dfeta[NCONMAX][NPARMAX];   //  npar x nconstraint
00078   for (int k=0; k < ncon; k++) {
00079     for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) dfeta[k][j]=0;
00080     constraints[k]->getDerivatives(NPARMAX, dfeta[k]);
00081     if (debug>1) for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) 
00082       if (dfeta[k][j]!= 0) cout << "1: dfeta[" << k << "][" << j << "] = " << dfeta[k][j] << endl;
00083   }
00086   // R & S & W1
00087   FDouble  R[NCONMAX];                      // list of constraints
00088   FDouble  S[NCONMAX][NCONMAX];             // nconstraint  x  nconstraint
00089   FDouble  W1[NUNMMAX][NUNMMAX];            // nunmeasured  x  nunmeasured
00090   FDouble  V[NPARMAX][NPARMAX];             // error matrix of parameters
00091   FDouble  VINV[NPARMAX][NPARMAX];          // inverse error matrix of parameters
00092   FDouble  dxi[NUNMMAX];                    // shift of unmeasured parameters
00093   FDouble  alam[NCONMAX];                   // Lagrange multipliers
00095   // chi2's, step size, # iterations
00096   double chinew=0, chit=0, chik=0;
00097   double alph = 1.;
00098   nit = 0;
00099   // convergence criteria (as in WWINIT)
00100   // int nitmax = 20;
00101   int nitmax = 20;
00102   double chik0 = 100.;
00103   double chit0 = 100.;
00104   double dchikc = 1.0E-3;
00105   double dchitc = 1.0E-4;
00106   double dchikt = 1.0E-2;
00107   double dchik  = 1.05;
00108   double chimxw = 10000.; // 1000.;
00109   double almin = 0.05;
00112   // repeat with or with out smaller steps size 
00113   bool repeat = true;
00114   bool scut = false;
00115   bool calcerr = true;
00117   // start of iterations
00118   while (repeat) {
00119     bool updatesuccess = true;
00121 //*-- If necessary, retry smaller step, same direction
00122     if (scut) {
00123       for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) eta[j] = etasv[j];
00124       updatesuccess = updateFitObjects (eta);
00125       if (!updatesuccess) {
00126         std::cerr << "WWFitter::fit: old parameters are garbage!" << std::endl;
00127         return -1;
00128       }
00129       for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k)  {
00130         for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) dfeta[k][j]=0;
00131         constraints[k]->getDerivatives(NPARMAX, dfeta[k]);
00132         if (debug>1) for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) 
00133           if (dfeta[k][j]!= 0) cout << "2: dfeta[" << k << "][" << j << "] = " << dfeta[k][j] << endl;
00134       }
00135     } 
00136     else {
00137       for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) etasv[j] = eta[j];
00138       chik0 = chik;
00139       chit0 = chit;
00140     }
00142     // Get covariance matrix
00143     for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) 
00144       for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) V[i][j] = 0;
00145     for (unsigned int ifitobj = 0; ifitobj<fitobjects.size(); ++ifitobj) {
00146       fitobjects[ifitobj]->addToGlobCov (&V[0][0], NPARMAX);
00147     }  
00148     if (debug>1) 
00149       for (int  i = 0; i < npar; ++i) 
00150         for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j)
00151           if (V[i][j] != 0)
00152             cout << "V[" << i << "][" << j << "]=" << V[i][j] << endl;;
00153     for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) 
00154       for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) VINV[i][j] = V[i][j];
00156     if (debug>1) 
00157       for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) 
00158         for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) 
00159           if (V[i][j] != 0) cout << "V[" << i << "][" << j << "] = " << V[i][j] << endl;
00161     // invert covariance matrix (needed for chi2 calculation later)
00162     dsinv(nmea, &VINV[0][0], NPARMAX, inverr);
00163     if (inverr != 0) {
00164       if (debug) cerr << "VINV: dsinv error " << inverr << endl;
00165       ierr = 6;
00166       calcerr = false;
00167       if (debug) 
00168         for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00169           if (V[i][i] == 0) cout << "  zero element! i = " << i << "\n";
00170           for (int j = i; j < nmea; ++j) {
00171             if (V[i][j] != 0) 
00172               cout << "...V[" << i << "][" << j << "] = " << V[i][j]
00173                    << ", r = " <<  V[i][j]/std::sqrt(V[i][i]*V[j][j])
00174                    << endl;
00175             if (std::abs(V[i][j]-V[j][i])>1E-6*std::abs(V[i][j]+V[j][i]))
00176               cout << "asymmetric: V[i][j]-V[j][i] = " << V[i][j]-V[j][i]
00177                    << ", V[i][j]+V[j][i]= " << V[i][j]+V[j][i] << endl;
00178           } 
00179         }
00181       // If dsinv fails, try dinv...  
00182       FInteger ir[NPARMAX];  
00183       dinv(nmea, &VINV[0][0], NPARMAX, ir, inverr);
00184       if (inverr != 0) {
00185         std::cerr << "VINV: dsinv and dinv failed!\n";
00186         break;
00187       }
00188       else {
00189         if (debug) std::cerr << "... but dinv succeeded! => continue.\n";
00190         ierr = 0;
00191         calcerr = true;
00192       }
00193     }
00195 // *-- Evaluate r and S.
00196     for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00197       R[k] = constraints[k]->getValue();
00198       if (debug>1) cout << "F[" << k << "] = " << R[k] << endl;
00199       for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00200         R[k] += dfeta[k][j]*(y[j]-eta[j]);
00201       }
00202       if (debug>1) cout << "R[" << k << "] = " << R[k] << endl;
00203       for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00204         S[k][l] = 0;
00205         for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00206           for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00207             S[k][l] += dfeta[k][i] * V[i][j] * dfeta[l][j]; 
00208           }
00209         }
00210         // New invention by B. List, 6.12.04:
00211         // add F_xi * F_xi^T to S, to make method work when some
00212         // constraints do not depend on any measured parameter
00213         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00214           S[k][l] += dfeta[k][nmea+j] * dfeta[l][nmea+j]; 
00215         }
00216       }
00217     }
00221     if (debug>1) 
00222       for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) 
00223         for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) 
00224           if (S[k][l] != 0)
00225             cout << "S[" << k << "][" << l << "]=" << S[k][l] << endl;;
00227 // *-- Invert S, testing for singularity first.
00228 // skip singularity test, since it only fixes some machine dependency
00229 // of DSINV/RSINV (-> cernlib)
00231 // S is positive definite, and we can use dsinv
00232    dsinv(ncon, &S[0][0], NCONMAX, inverr);
00233    if (inverr != 0) {
00234      cerr << "S: dsinv error " << inverr << endl;
00235      ierr = 7;
00236      calcerr = false;
00237      break;
00238    }
00240 // *-- Calculate new unmeasured quantities.
00241     if (nunm > 0) {
00242       for (int i = 0; i < nunm; ++i) {
00243         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00244           W1[i][j] = 0;
00245           for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00246             for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00247               W1[i][j] += dfeta[k][nmea+i] * S[k][l] * dfeta[l][nmea+j];
00248             }
00249           }
00250           if (debug>1) cout << "W1[" << i << "][" << j << "] = " << W1[i][j] << endl;
00251         }
00252       }
00253       if (debug > 1) {
00254         // Check symmetry of W1
00255         for (int i = 0; i < nunm; ++i) {
00256           for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00257             if (abs(W1[i][j]-W1[j][i]) > 1E-3*abs(W1[i][j]+W1[j][i]))
00258               cout << "W1[" << i << "][" << j << "] = " << W1[i][j] 
00259                    << "   W1[" << j << "][" << i << "] = " << W1[j][i] 
00260                    << "   => diff=" << abs(W1[i][j]-W1[j][i])
00261                    << "   => tol=" << 1E-3*abs(W1[i][j]+W1[j][i])
00262                    << endl;
00263           }
00264        }
00265       }
00268       // invert W1
00269       // Note added 23.12.04: W1 is symmetric and positive definite,
00270       dsinv(nunm, &W1[0][0], NUNMMAX, inverr);
00271       if (inverr != 0) {
00272         cerr << "W1: dsinv error " << inverr << endl;
00273         ierr = 8;
00274         calcerr = false;
00275         break;
00276       }
00277       // calculate shift of unmeasured parameters
00278       for (int i = 0; i < nunm; ++i) {
00279         dxi[i] = 0;
00280         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00281           for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00282             for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00283               dxi[i] -= alph * W1[i][j] * dfeta[k][nmea+j]* S[k][l] * R[l];
00284             }
00285           }
00286         }
00287         if (debug>1) cout << "dxi[" << i << "] = " << dxi[i] << endl;
00288       }
00289     }
00291 // *-- And now update unmeasured parameter.
00292     for (int i = 0; i < nunm; ++i) {
00293       eta[nmea+i] += dxi[i];
00294     }
00296 // *-- Calculate new Lagrange multipliers.
00297     for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00298       alam[k] = 0.;
00299       for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00300         alam[k] += S[k][l] * R[l];
00301         if (debug>2) cout << "alam[" << k << "] = " << alam[k] << endl;
00302         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00303           alam[k] += S[k][l] * dfeta[l][nmea+j] * dxi[j];
00304           if (debug>2) cout << "change of alam[" << k << 
00305                              "] for j,l = " << j << " , " << l << 
00306                              " : " << S[k][l] * dfeta[l][nmea+j] * dxi[j] << endl;
00307         }
00308         if (debug>2) cout << "alam[" << k << "] = " << alam[k] << endl;
00309       }
00310       if (debug>1) cout << "alam[" << k << "] = " << alam[k] << endl;
00311     }
00313 // *-- Calculate new fitted parameters.
00314     for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00315       eta[i] = y[i];
00316       for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00317         for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00318           eta[i] -= V[i][j] * dfeta[k][j] * alam[k];
00319         }
00320       }
00321       if (debug>1) cout << "updated eta[" << i << "] = " << eta[i] << endl;
00322     }
00324 // *-- Calculate constraints and their derivatives.
00325     // since the constraints ask the fitobjects for their parameters, 
00326     // we need to update the fitobjects first!
00327     // COULD BE DONE: update also ERRORS! (now only in the very end!)
00328     updatesuccess = updateFitObjects (eta);
00330     if (debug) {
00331       cout << "After adjustment of all parameters:\n";
00332       for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00333         cout << "Value of constraint " << k << " = " << constraints[k]->getValue()
00334              << endl;
00335       }
00336     }
00337     for (int k=0; k < ncon; k++) {
00338       for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) dfeta[k][j]=0;
00339       constraints[k]->getDerivatives(NPARMAX, dfeta[k]);
00340       if (debug>1) 
00341         for (int j=0; j < npar; j++) 
00342           if (dfeta[k][j]!= 0) cout << "dfeta[" << k << "][" << j << "] = " << dfeta[k][j] << endl;;
00343     }
00345 // *-- Calculate new chisq.
00346     chit = 0;
00347     for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) 
00348       for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00349         double dchit = (y[i]-eta[i]) * VINV[i][j] * (y[j]-eta[j]);
00350         chit  +=  dchit;
00351         if (debug>1 && dchit != 0)
00352           cout << "chit for i,j = " << i << " , " << j << " = " 
00353                << (y[i]-eta[i]) * VINV[i][j] * (y[j]-eta[j]) << endl;
00354       }
00355     chik = 0;
00356     for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) chik += std::abs(2*alam[k]*constraints[k]->getValue());
00358     chinew = chit + chik;
00360 //*-- Calculate change in chisq, and check constraints are satisfied.
00361     nit++;
00363     bool sconv = (std::abs(chik-chik0) < dchikc) 
00364               && (std::abs(chit-chit0) < dchitc*chit) 
00365               && (chik < dchikt*chit);
00366     // Second convergence criterium:
00367     // If all constraints are fulfilled to better than 1E-8,
00368     // and all parameters have changed by less than 1E-8,
00369     // assume convergence
00370     // This criterium assumes that all constraints and all parameters
00371     // are "of order 1", i.e. their natural values are around 1 to 100,
00372     // as for GeV or radians
00373     double eps = 1E-6;
00374     bool sconv2 = true;
00375     for (int k = 0; sconv2 && (k < ncon); ++k) 
00376       sconv2 &= (std::abs(constraints[k]->getValue()) < eps);
00377     if (sconv2 && debug) 
00378       cout << "All constraints fulfilled to better than " << eps << endl;
00380     for (int j = 0; sconv2 && (j < npar); ++j) 
00381       sconv2 &= (std::abs(eta[j] - etasv[j]) < eps);
00382     if (sconv2 && debug) 
00383       cout << "All parameters stable to better than " << eps << endl;
00384     sconv |= sconv2;
00386     bool sbad  = (chik > dchik*chik0) 
00387               && (chik > dchikt*chit)
00388               && (chik > chik0 + 1.E-10);
00390     scut = false;
00392     if (nit > nitmax) {
00393 // *-- Out of iterations
00394       repeat = false;
00395       ierr = 1;
00396     }  
00397     else if (sconv && updatesuccess) {
00398 // *-- Converged
00399       repeat = false;
00400       ierr = 0;
00401     }  
00402     else if ( nit > 2 && chinew > chimxw  && updatesuccess) {
00403 // *-- Chi2  crazy ?
00404       repeat = false;
00405       calcerr = false;
00406       ierr = 2;
00407     }  
00408     else if (sbad && nit > 1 || !updatesuccess) {
00409 // *-- ChiK increased, try smaller step
00410       if ( alph == almin ) {
00411         repeat = true;   // false;
00412         calcerr = false;
00413         ierr = 3;
00414       }  
00415       else {
00416         alph  =  std::max (almin, 0.5 * alph);
00417         scut  =  true;
00418         repeat = true;
00419         ierr = 4;
00420       }
00421     }    
00422     else {
00423 // *-- Keep going..
00424       alph  =  std::min (alph+0.1, 1. );
00425       repeat = true;
00426       ierr = 5;
00427     }
00429     if (debug) cout << "======== NIT = " << nit << ",  CHI2 = " << chinew 
00430                                      << ",  ierr = " << ierr << ", alph=" << alph << endl;
00432     if (debug) 
00433       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fitobjects.size(); ++i) 
00434         cout << "fitobject " << i << ": " << *fitobjects[i] << endl;                                 
00436   }   // end of while (repeat)
00438 // *-- End of iterations - calculate errors.
00440   for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) 
00441     for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) VETA[i][j] = 0;
00443   if (calcerr) {
00445 // *-- Evaluate S and invert.
00446     for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00447       for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00448         S[k][l] = 0;
00449         for (int i = 0; i < npar; ++i) {
00450           for (int j = 0; j < npar; ++j) {
00451             S[k][l] += dfeta[k][i] * V[i][j] * dfeta[l][j]; 
00452           }
00453         }
00454         // New invention by B. List, 6.12.04:
00455         // add F_xi * F_xi^T to S, to make method work when some
00456         // constraints do not depend on any measured parameter
00457         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00458           S[k][l] += dfeta[k][nmea+j] * dfeta[l][nmea+j]; 
00459         }
00460       }
00461     }
00463 // *-- Invert S, testing for singularity first.
00464 // skip singularity test, since it only fixes some machine dependency
00465 // of DSINV/RSINV (-> cernlib)
00467 // S is positive definite, and we can use dsinv
00468     dsinv(ncon, &S[0][0], NCONMAX, inverr);
00469     if (inverr != 0) cerr << "S(2): dsinv error " << inverr << endl;
00471 // *-- Calculate G.  
00472 //  (same as W1, but for measured parameters) 
00473     FDouble G[NPARMAX][NPARMAX];
00474     for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00475       for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00476         G[i][j] = 0;
00477         for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00478           for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00479             G[i][j] += dfeta[k][i] * S[k][l] * dfeta[l][j];
00480           }
00481         }
00482       }
00483     }
00485     if (nunm > 0) {
00487 // *-- Calculate H.
00488       FDouble H[NPARMAX][NUNMMAX];
00489       for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00490         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00491           H[i][j] = 0;
00492           for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00493             for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00494               H[i][j] += dfeta[k][i] * S[k][l] * dfeta[l][nmea+j];
00495             }
00496           }
00497         }
00498       }
00500 // *-- Calculate U**-1 and invert.
00501 //   (same as W1)
00502       FDouble U[NUNMMAX][NUNMMAX];
00503       for (int i = 0; i < nunm; ++i) {
00504         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00505           U[i][j] = 0;
00506           for (int k = 0; k < ncon; ++k) {
00507             for (int l = 0; l < ncon; ++l) {
00508               U[i][j] += dfeta[k][nmea+i] * S[k][l] * dfeta[l][nmea+j];
00509             }
00510           }
00511         }
00512       }
00513       dsinv(nunm, &U[0][0], NUNMMAX, inverr);
00514       if (inverr != 0) {
00515         cerr << "U: dsinv error " << inverr << endl;
00516         return -1;
00517       }
00519 // *-- U is now error matrix of unmeasured parameters
00520       for (int i = 0; i < nunm; ++i) {
00521         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00522           VETA[nmea+i][nmea+j] = U[i][j];
00523         }
00524       }
00526 // *-- Covariance matrix between measured and unmeasured parameters.
00527       for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00528         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00529           VETA[i][nmea+j] = 0.;
00530           for (int ii = 0; ii < nmea; ++ii) {
00531             for (int jj = 0; jj < nunm; ++jj) {
00532               VETA[i][nmea+j] -= V[i][ii] * H[ii][jj] * U[jj][j];
00533             }
00534           }
00535         }
00536       }
00538 // *-- Fill in symmetric part:
00539       for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00540         for (int j = 0; j < nunm; ++j) {
00541           VETA[nmea+j][i] = VETA[i][nmea+j];
00542         }
00543       }
00545 // *-- Calculate G-HUH.
00546       for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00547         for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00548           for (int ii = 0; ii < nunm; ++ii) {
00549             for (int jj = 0; jj < nunm; ++jj) {
00550               G[i][j] -= H[i][ii] * U[ii][jj] * H[j][jj];
00551             }
00552           }
00553         }
00554       }
00556     }  // endif nunm > 0
00558 // *-- Calculate I-GV.
00559     FDouble GV[NPARMAX][NPARMAX];
00560     for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00561       for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00562         if (i == j) GV[i][j] = 1.;
00563         else GV[i][j] = 0.;
00564         for (int ii = 0; ii < nmea; ++ii) {
00565           GV[i][j] -= G[i][ii] * V[ii][j];
00566         }
00567       }
00568     }
00570 // *-- And finally error matrix on fitted parameters.
00571     for (int i = 0; i < nmea; ++i) {
00572       for (int j = 0; j < nmea; ++j) {
00573         VETA[i][j] = 0.;
00574         for (int ii = 0; ii < nmea; ++ii) {
00575           VETA[i][j] += V[i][ii] * GV[ii][j];
00576         }
00577       }
00578     }
00580     // update errors in fitobjects
00581     // (consider only diagonal elements of VETA for the moment...)
00582     for (unsigned int ifitobj = 0; ifitobj < fitobjects.size(); ++ifitobj) {
00583       for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobjects[ifitobj]->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
00584         int iglobal = fitobjects[ifitobj]->getGlobalParNum (ilocal); 
00585         for (int jlocal = ilocal; jlocal < fitobjects[ifitobj]->getNPar(); ++jlocal) {
00586           int jglobal = fitobjects[ifitobj]->getGlobalParNum (jlocal); 
00587           if (iglobal >= 0 && jglobal >= 0) 
00588             fitobjects[ifitobj]->setCov(ilocal, jlocal, VETA[iglobal][jglobal]); 
00589         }
00590       }
00591     }
00593   } // endif calcerr == true
00595 // *-- Turn chisq into probability.
00596   FReal chi = FReal(chinew);
00597   fitprob = (ncon-nunm > 0) ? prob(chi,ncon-nunm) : 0.5;
00598   chi2 = chinew;
00600   return fitprob;
00602 };
00604 bool WWFitter::initialize() {
00605   // tell fitobjects the global ordering of their parameters:
00606   int iglobal = 0;
00607   // measured parameters first!
00608   for (unsigned int ifitobj = 0; ifitobj < fitobjects.size(); ++ifitobj) {
00609     for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobjects[ifitobj]->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
00610       if (fitobjects[ifitobj]->isParamMeasured(ilocal) &&
00611           !fitobjects[ifitobj]->isParamFixed(ilocal)) {
00612         fitobjects[ifitobj]->setGlobalParNum (ilocal, iglobal);
00613         if (debug) 
00614           cout << "Object " << fitobjects[ifitobj]->getName()
00615                << " Parameter " << fitobjects[ifitobj]->getParamName(ilocal)
00616                << " is measured, global number " << iglobal << endl;
00617         ++iglobal;
00618       }
00619     }
00620   }
00621   nmea = iglobal;
00622   // now  unmeasured parameters!
00623   for (unsigned int ifitobj = 0; ifitobj < fitobjects.size(); ++ifitobj) {
00624     for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobjects[ifitobj]->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
00625       if (!fitobjects[ifitobj]->isParamMeasured(ilocal) &&
00626           !fitobjects[ifitobj]->isParamFixed(ilocal)) {
00627         fitobjects[ifitobj]->setGlobalParNum (ilocal, iglobal);
00628         if (debug) 
00629           cout << "Object " << fitobjects[ifitobj]->getName()
00630                << " Parameter " << fitobjects[ifitobj]->getParamName(ilocal)
00631                << " is unmeasured, global number " << iglobal << endl;
00632         ++iglobal;
00633       }
00634     }
00635   }
00636   npar = iglobal;
00637   assert (npar <= NPARMAX);
00638   nunm = npar - nmea;
00639   assert (nunm <= NUNMMAX);
00641   // set number of constraints
00642   ncon = constraints.size();
00643   assert (ncon <= NCONMAX);
00645   return true;
00647 };
00649 bool WWFitter::updateFitObjects (double eta[]) {
00650   bool debug = false;
00651   bool result = true;
00652   for (unsigned int ifitobj = 0; ifitobj < fitobjects.size(); ++ifitobj) {
00653     for (int ilocal = 0; ilocal < fitobjects[ifitobj]->getNPar(); ++ilocal) {
00654       int iglobal = fitobjects[ifitobj]->getGlobalParNum (ilocal); 
00655       if (!fitobjects[ifitobj]->isParamFixed (ilocal) && iglobal >= 0) {
00656         if (debug) cout << "Parameter " << iglobal 
00657                         << " (" << fitobjects[ifitobj]->getName()
00658                         << ": " << fitobjects[ifitobj]->getParamName(ilocal)
00659                         << ") set to " << eta[iglobal];
00660         result &= fitobjects[ifitobj]->setParam(ilocal, eta[iglobal]); 
00661         eta[iglobal] = fitobjects[ifitobj]->getParam(ilocal);
00662         if (debug) cout << " => " << eta[iglobal] << endl;
00663       }
00664     }
00665   }
00666   return result;
00667 };
00669 int WWFitter::getError() const {return ierr;}
00670 double WWFitter::getProbability() const {return fitprob;}
00671 double WWFitter::getChi2() const {return chi2;}
00672 int WWFitter::getIterations() const {return nit;}

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