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The (language-specific) routines for typesetting (really: outputting) the code in the document is passed the <typesetting-hints> to further control how typesetting is done.

These (comma-separated) hints, if any, will be mentioned in the documentation of language-specific processing (Section See Language_specific). Available hints:

`-t tgrind':
Typeset code blocks by passing them through the `tgrind' program.

`-t ruled':
Put lines (rules) above and below blocks of code. (The default may vary with other outputting options.)

`-t unruled':
Do not put lines (rules) above and below blocks of code.

`-t bird':
Format all code (but not pseudocode) with Bird-tracks in the first column. By default, only code input with Bird-tracks is so formatted.

`-t nobird':
Format all code without Bird-tracks.