Here are some references with abstracts. Thanks to Stephen Cross for providing these entries.

"A Hypertext for Literate Programming"

"In this paper we descibe a hypertext presentation for the WEB system for literate programming. The requirements for an environment for modern literate programming are analyzed and the WEB hypertext system is proposed. Different types of windows for displaying texts, indices and graphical representations are discussed. All semantic links and operators using them are analyzed. The proposed architecture of the WEB hypertext system includes a general purpose relational database management system. Mapping between hypertext queries and relational database queries is provided. The system allows the user to define new hypertext operations by providing the corresponding SQL queries for the underlying relational database. The descirbed system can be easily extended by many other types of queries and applications."

[M. Brown and B. Czejdo, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 468, 1990, pp 250-259]

"A hypertext system for literate C++ programming"

"A tool was presented that supports the documentation of C++ program systems by providing a modern user interface and comfortable browsing facilities. The tool supports the concepts of literate programming and hypertext and can also be used for documenting existing software systems. We have been using the presented tool in various projects at our institute. Its usefulness has been proven by a drastic reduction of necessary effort to maintain software systems and avoid error-prone changes while maintaining a software system."

[J. Sametinger and G. Pomberger, Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Vol. 4, No. 8, January 1992, pp 24-29]