DESY News: Georg Forster Fellowship for Sara Taheri Monfared


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Georg Forster Fellowship for Sara Taheri Monfared

Iranian scientist stays for 1.5 years in the CMS group at DESY

The Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation has awarded Sara Taheri Monfared from the Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (IPM) in Tehran, Iran, with a Georg Forster Fellowship. In providing these Research Fellowships for experienced scientists, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation enables highly-qualified researchers and scholars from abroad to spend extended periods of research in Germany. Currently, up to 75 Georg Forster Research Fellowships can be granted annually for highly qualified researchers from developing or transition countries.

Sara Taheri Monfared
Taheri Monfared is working in the CMS group at DESY. Her research is focused on Strong Interactions in Particle Physics. Taheri Monfared will analyse measurements obtained at DESY's electron proton collider HERA but also from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Of special interest are degrees of freedoms of the partons inside the hadrons and the determination of so-called Transverse Momentum Dependent (TMD) parton densities, which form a very new field with many applications for the physics at the LHC but also at new colliders. The CMS group will make use of these calculations for comparison with experimental measurements. Taheri Monfared will stay at DESY for 1.5 years on the Georg Forster Fellowship.

Taheri Monfared will use the Georg Forster fellowship to strengthen scientific relations between Iran, Germany and particularly DESY. She is engaged in increasing the level of knowledge in Iran and also the Middle East by regional and international conferences to attract smart young Iranian people to fundamental science and physics with special emphasis on female researchers. The Georg Forster Fellowship makes Taheri Monfared an advocate for higher female presence in fundamental science.