20.05.2022 / 9 am - 11 am / Hamburg, Zoom

DASHH PhD Seminar

Flat-Field Correction of Dynamic Processes

Dr. Johannes Hagemann (DESY), Thea Engler (DESY/UHH) (Data Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School for the Structure of Matter (DASHH))

The DASHH PhD Seminar offers a glimpse into the interdisciplinary projects funded by Data Science in Hamburg - Helmholtz Graduate School of Matter (DASHH). The seminar is intended to foster discussions and exchange on various topics with a special focus on data science methods.

This time, we are looking forward to the talks of Dr. Johannes Hagemann and DASHH fellow Thea Engler entitled “Flat-Field Correction of Dynamic Processes”.

Find out more about this interdisciplinary project here: https://www.dashh.org/research/photon_science/index_eng.html/x_ray_microscopy_at_the_photon_limit/index_eng.html

URL: https://uni-hamburg.zoom.us/j/64482762631?pwd=dTB1NHBaK1VDZTkzczl2Qk5UekdNdz09

More Information: https://www.dashh.org/events/seminars/dashh_phd_seminar/index_eng.html