20.11.2019 / 11:00 - 15:00 / Hamburg, Flure im Gebäude 1 / corridors of buiding 1

Internal Open Day - Campus-interne Veranstaltung

FH behind the Scenes | Blick hinter die Kulissen bei FH

At this internal open day ("FH behind the scenes") we would like to talk about the fascination of particle physics, about the modern techniques (technologies?) we use, the tradition of international and cross-cultural cooperation, as well as give insights to our workshops and laboratories. Pass by for a coffee and a chat in the seminar room area of building 1. The tours to the labs will start from there. Posters and other exhibits will showcase the FH department’s broad range of expertise and tasks on the upper level of building 1. There will be lots of information in English and German.

More Information: https://indico.desy.de/indico/event/24382/