24.01.2017 / 14:00 / Hamburg, CFEL-bldg. 99, seminar room III (EG.080)

High-power XUV frequency combs

Christoph M. Heyl (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)

Frequency combs are nowadays routinely used for precision spectroscopy in the visible and near-IR spectral region. In contrast, the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral region presents a barely explored area for precision spectroscopy studies with promising targets such as ground state transitions in helium, highly charged ions and possibly even nuclei. While XUV combs can reach sub-Hz coherence levels [1], the bottleneck is the limited power available in the XUV. Here we discuss recent steps to-wards high-power XUV comb generation. These include down-scaling of efficient high-order harmonic conversion schemes [2] to adapt for intra-cavity operation as well as the exploration of intra-cavity plasma dynamics and their suppression. Our recent effort allowed us to generate high harmonics with average power levels in the mW range, setting a new record for XUV combs and more generally, for high-harmonic-based XUV sources.