Short summary from September 15th: ================================== Shutdown wishes of the different experiments: --------------------------------------------- Hera-B needs 2 weeks of shutdown over X-mas 98: 21.12.98 - 6.1.99 ==> this shutdown is granted <== Shutdown 99 ----------- how long? when? --------------------------------- H1: 3-4 weeks no preference ZEUS: 4 weeks no preference HERMES: 8 weeks start >= April 99 Hera-B: 6 weeks start April 99 4 weeks start fall 99 ==> No experiments asks for a shutdown earlier than April 99, the run is likely to continue until end of march 99. The shutdown request of Hera-B for fall 99 will be discussed when more information from Hera-B concerning preparation of detectorinstallations and first physics results are known. Lumi upgrade shutdown --------------------- how long? when? ---------------------------------- H1: 9 months ~June/July 2000 (new CIP will be ready in November 2000 only) ZEUS: 9 months January 2000 ( 7 months with 2 crane shifts ) Hermes: no request as late as possible Hera-B: no request as late as possible ==> H1 should reconsider the timescale of the CIP construction and try to advance it! The dates should be discussed in the next HERA Coordination meeting!