HERMES Running 99-00 --- J. Stewart ============================================================== The HERMES 99/00 data run was incredibly good exceeding all our expectations. / \ / \ | * | | * | \_/ \_/ \ / \___/ We collected the following polarized statistics: Deut. vector polarized 5,870,275 Deut. Tensor polarized 917,202. The polarization of the beam was reversed monthly and in general the polarization recovered quickly after reversal. During the 1hr unpolarized end-of-fill running we collected 13,596,660 DIS events: H2 6,643,465 D2 1,986,982 4He 1,035,624 20Ne 3,930,589. This more than doubles our statistics for unpolarized physics topics. On August 7th we tested the possibility of running at 12GeV and found no problems. Based on this, we were granted 48 hours at the end of the data run for a dedicated 12GeV unpolarized run. During this 48 hour period we collected 1 fill on deuterium, 2 on Nitrogen, 5 on krypton, and 1/2 fill of hydrogen data. Our total projected statistics for the 12GeV run are as follows: Hydrogen 360,000 Deuterium 1,380,000 Nitrogen 1,020,000 Krypton 990,000. HERMES would like to thank everyone who made this run possible! HERMES Shutdown Overview ============================================================== The major work being done at HERMES is summarized below: Sept4-Sept21 The Hermes experiment will move out of beam position and the tram will be installed. Sept21-Oct4 The Magnet chambers will be removed for maintenance. Oct 5-Dec15 The magnet chambers will be tested and repaired. The work needed to switch the polarized target from Deuterium to hydrogen will start. Jan15-Jan31 The magnet chambers will be reinstalled and all detectors will be tested. Calibration of the target will continue. Mar1-Mar26 Test installation and removal of our Silicon Strip detector for Lambda detection. Mar27-Apr24 The Hermes experiment will move back to beam position. Apr25-Jun5 Continued target testing and installation of the Transverse magnet. Time critical Components and Requests. ================================================================== The only component HERMES has which is time critical is our new transverse target magnet. The 2D simulations for the magnet are finished but there has been no progress on the 3D simulation. Design of the correction coil has started in Madison and Ferrara. Synchrotron radiation studies by MVA indicate no problem for the machine. The magnet must be available by the end of February if it is to be installed and mapped by June 5. Progress on the simulations is required if this is to be possible. HERMES again request a 3 day access after stable beam has been established next year to install our silicon detectors. Machine Startup Discussion 2001 ============================================================== The machine group presented a startup schedule whereby the luminosity optimization and the polarization are optimized at the same time. This required ramping the H1 and Zeus magnets multiple times. E. Steffens stated that if the HERMES transverse magnet is ready in time then we could survive with little polarized data in 2001. Under these conditions the machine group should plan to optimize the machine in the most efficient manner. However, the transverse magnet project is proceeding slowly and assistance here would be appreciated.