International Workshop on
Aging Phenomena in Gaseous Detectors

October 2-5, 2001 at DESY in Hamburg

Abstract Submission Form

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We apologize in advance for the somewhat long submission form. However, we believe that all the information requested will be important for the success of the workshop. The information you supply here will serve for short summaries throughout the sessions and also as input for the invited workshop summary talks. We are currently planning to include the data you supply here as an overview in tabulary form in the published proceedings.

(Please note: Fields marked with * are mandatory, you may submit your abstract only if the corresponding information is supplied)


First name* 

Mailing Address/Institution*




Text of abstract*

One page summary of talk*

If your abstract refers to a specific aging effect in a detector, please, fill in the following table:

Detector type (A):

Detector type (B):

Detector type (C):

If your abstract refers to more than one detector, please specify the different details
as A,B or C in the following fields.

Laboratory test or result from experiment:

Name of detector and experiment:

Significant degradation of performance:

Describe the most critical change:

Anode wire material and diameter/width:

Cathode material (and width if applicable):

Electric field on anode:

Electric field near the cathode:

Particle rate (in Hz/cm or Hz/mm^2):

Anode current (in nA/cm):

Approximate total integrated particle flux (N/cm or N/mm^2):

HV applied:

Gain (per primary electron):

Type of radiation (e.g. beam particle, etc.):

Number of primary electrons per ionization event:

Approximate total charge dose (in C/cm or C/mm^2):

Gas composition (including additives):

Gas flow rate (in detector volumes/hour):

Gas flow condition:

Known Gas impurities:

Gas pressure in detector:

Length and material of gas tubing:

List of other materials in the gas system:

Major conclusion of the study:

Please  the filled-in form, or click here to  all fields.
You will get a confirmation by e-mail.

If you have problems, please use this latex template and send the latex file via
e-mail to
or the processed PostScript by fax to:

Ramona Matthes
DESY Hamburg
Notkestraße 85
 22607 Hamburg, Germany
FAX : +49 40 8998-4900

Last change:
                    09/02/2001 by Cristobal Padilla
                    23/02/2001 by Norbert Tesch